Guided tours of the Hambach Forest

Mona/ Oaktown

Sunday, December 27th, 12:00, was the 20th guided tour of the Hambach Forest by the forest teacher and nature guide Michael Zobel. They take place every month – not only for those, who understand enough German, because you easily can find a translator. Until now, 1550 people participated already…
Where we always meet: OpenStreetMap
The Pope, Obama, Vattenfall … and now, above all, the shareholders, many noted that the unlimited exploitation of our planet can not continue this way. And what does RWE? The deforestation season of this year is in full swing, 70 more hectares of this unique forest are fenced in and have to be destroyed irrevocably contrary to any sense.

In 2016 these guided tours will be continued every month: January 17, February 14, March 13, April 17, May 8, June 19,…

Contact +49 171-8508321 or

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Oury Jalloh – That was murder! Demo also in Cologne 1 7th 2016 18:00 Bhf Süd

In remembrance of Oury Jalloh
Call for the demo in several languages with more info. (scroll to page 2 for English)

January 7th 2016, 6:00 p.m., Bahnhof Süd (exit Luxemburger Straße), Cologne. Open Street Map

For all those, who can not go to Dessau on January 7th, there will be a memorial demonstration again for Oury Jalloh in Cologne.

More info on the case of Oury Jalloh:

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Mr. Blue is free!

After almost 2.5 months of remand (#U-Haft) #MrBlue is free at last! So currently there are no Hambach Forest (#Hambi) prisoners (#Gefangenen)!

About: The trial has not been completed, because not enough witnesses were summoned. Mr. Blue was released under reporting requirements. We are very happy!

More on the severe conditions of his detention

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Florian, Marte and a third person are free!

deutsch | français | español

On Friday dec. 18th 2015, 9:30 am the trial will take place against Mr. Blue before the district court of Düren, August-Klotz-Straße 14.
Open Street Map

On Friday will take place in Düren the trial against Mr Blue, who is remanded in custody on October 7th in Aachen. When he was arrested, Mr Blue – as well as many other activists in Rhenania – refused to identify himself and the authorities still did not succeed to detect otherwise his personal details, which makes the trial and the judgement of particular interest and importance for the movement.

Here you can find the call for support of the trial by ABC Rhineland:

Read also: Letter from Mr. Blue

On Wednesday, dec. 16th 2015 the trial took place at 11:00 a.m. against NoNameYetPublicly before the Amtsgericht (district court) of Cologne. Meeting place for supporters was at 10 o’clock before the courthouse (Luxemburger Straße 101).
Judgment: 40 daily rate fines or days, of which 21 already have been served. So this person is free again!

December 10, 2015 Today Florian and Marte were released from prison in Cologne-Ossendorf, where loving people welcomed and hugged them. We are delighted, but don’t forget that two more of our friends are still in prison. Read more soon at this place. To all supporters thanks for the mountains of letters and other support!

Continue ReadingFlorian, Marte and a third person are free!