Main conveyor belts blocked- Update and declaration

7.October at 3:35 . Once again all conveyor belts are standing still. This time 3 new information: 2 persons got together to stand their ground against the harassments of the workers and the cruelty of the cops. 10 minutes later there is no communication possible anymore. Around 5:30 we get a call that the cops will bring them to Jülich. Then the call ends with a cry of pain.
15:00: One person is free, the other person sees the judge right now.
15:50: Electricity problems in Düren. The person will be brought to Aachen and will see the judge there tomorrow.

4. October at around 02:50 both of the main conveyor belts of the open cast mine Hambach got blockaded too. These Lock-On-Actions stopped the open cast mine for several hours.

We are removable.
The forest is removable.
The villages are removable.
The ground and all the living beings which live on it are removable.

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Update hambach forest

Jus finally came out of jail. If he would get sentenced within the next 3 years he will get be put back into jail for 7 months. He is doing well.

Now 2 digger occupations and a conveyor belt blockade later we are preparing for Skillshare! And we would like to invite all to come and participate. We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also the KUFA, the mobile kitchen from the WAA, will come to cook for all.

The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambach mine and the coal plant.

the cutting season in hambach forest has officially started now. this means that yet again RWE will come and destroy a lot of old growth forest. Please come to the skillshare, get involved and maybe even plan to stay a bit longer to resist Europe’s biggest open cast mine, and the cutting of this beautiful old forest.

A lot of words have been spoken, about Climate change, CO2, Capitalism, now it is time to act.

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Oct. 5th, Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest. Infonight and benefit

Monday October 5th 2015, Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest. Infonight and benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm (address see

Continue ReadingOct. 5th, Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest. Infonight and benefit