Arts and Culture Festival 2015

From July 20th until 26th 2015, there will be a colorful and creative protest on the meadow occupation against lignite mining in the Hambach forest.

If you like creative things as painting, music, clowning, building huts and barricades, gardening in a community, self-organized performances, yoga, circus or other artistic exchange, then you’re on a right place here.

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Excavator occupations in the open pit of Hambach – Newsticker

July 4, 2015
The latest information at the top.

21:00 All the people involved today have been released from the police station in Düren. We are happy and celebrate the successful campaign!

17:20 On top of the digger at the edge of the pit still flies the Jolly Roger, one lonely person is clearing up ther (or whatever). Occupiers and climbing teams are no longer visible. Still, the excavator stands still.

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We made ​​our move – the board has grown

Four bucket wheel excavators in the open-cast lignite mine Hambach are occupied!

July 4, 2015

At the Climate Games in Amsterdam today countless playgroups make their moves. Team Blue (the police) and the team of industrial companies play their usual strategy: In Amsterdam they want to expand the West port for coal transshipment and in the resident companies they strongly contribute to the fact that the world’s climate passes several points of no return. Thereafter, the further warming would get unpredictable and irreversible. Our teams hamper them, as far as possible without being beaten by Team Blue. Their game objective is to enable a smooth flow of the work of destruction.
This year, a team in the Rhineland has stumbled over the fact that the playing field is not limited to the Amsterdam West Port. While it is folded by all sorts of boundaries together, but we can unfold and make our move at any time, anywhere – after all, the other side also works as good as anywhere in the world.

Continue ReadingWe made ​​our move – the board has grown

Arts and Culture Festival 2015

From July 20th until 26th 2015, there will be a colorful and creative protest on the meadow occupation against lignite mining in the Hambach forest.

If you like creative things as painting, music, clowning, building huts and barricades, gardening in a community, self-organized performances, yoga, circus or other artistic exchange, then you’re on a right place here.

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