Farewell to the silence

One year after the opening of highway A4

Buir: “Farewell to the silence – one year after the opening of highway A4”

On September 16, 2014, the new route of the A4 was officially inaugurated. At the invitation of the action group “Buirers for Buir”, on the evening before a farewell to the silence took place as a neighborhood meeting. It should be remembered this year with a neighborhood church service, followed by a picnic on the evening of 15 September.
It is one year ago now, that on the eve of the A4 inauguration members of the action group, along with many neighbors and friends from the lignite-critical network, said farewell to the silence in Buir on the Olbertze Bridge. With “Farewell to the silence – One Year After” should be reminded of the event one year ago.

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Press release „Main conveyor belt blockaded in the Hambach Lignite Mine“


Düren/Ellen. On Saturday morning, the main conveyor belt in the Hambach open cast mine was blockaded. Four people had their wrists locked to each other in steel tubes in teams of two. This stopped all three Hambach coal diggers from operating for several hours.

The main conveyor belt delivers the lignite from the open cast mine to the train station connected to it. From there it is brought to the nearby power stations via the train, the so called ‘Hambachbahn’. The technical police team first deconstructed the conveyor belt construction in order to bring the activists into an RWE garage, where they were released from their lock-ons.

Only last week-end, other actions of prostest and direct resistance against lignite mining had taken place: There was a mass blockade called ‘Ende Gelände’ and a sequence of train blockades against the ‘Hambachbahn’. The stock price of the energy company RWE has dropped to the lowest level since twenty five years. „The energy giant is sinking“, one activist comments on the situation. „It does not make any sense to go on destroying habitat and emitting incredible amounts of carbon dioxide using the stone-age-technology of lignite combustion, only to save a single company from their own mistakes’ consequences.“

The material cost of these direct actions caused to RWE are not a side effect, but their goal. „Our generation is expected to accept the consequences of false decisions taken fourty years ago. Calling this a democratic process would be eyewashing“, is how one of the activists explains their motivation. „For decades RWE has ignored all arguments in the conflict of lignite mining: climate change, destruction of land, health problems, expropriations, subsidies and countless other problems are accepted, as long as the company has sufficient power and earns enough profit from the destruction. In order to protect ourselves and future generations from this, we have no other options than attacking these profits by means of direct action.“

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Police operation in Cologne at a spontaneous demonstration

Press Release

Cologne, August 12th, 2015 – On Wednesday afternoon, a spontaneous demonstration took place in Cologne. The occasion is the detention of an activist from the Hambach Forest, who was arrested at July 22, at the eviction of a “living barricade”, and since then is in pre-trial detention. In addition, he has since been on a hunger strike.

The spontaneous demonstration started at the JVA (jail) in Cologne / Ossendorf and moved from there to Ehrenfeld.
As activists report from there, the spontaneous demonstration has been encircled by 30 – 40 police officers. There are presently around 40 spontaneous protesters within the police encirclement. According to statements from the spot, it is not permitted to bring water to the people in the police encirclement.

A person is available to the press on the spot for interviews and questions:
0157 371 81 446

Best regards,
The press team from the Camp for Climate Action

Ticker in chronological order:

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Tower Eviction


klimaretter RWE-Forst: Polizei räumt Blockade, 17:31 Uhr, PDF
KStA Fünf Meter hohe Barrikade am Hambacher Forst geräumt, PDF

News ticker beginning with latest

22:00 One more person has been released from police in Cologne-Kalk. The fireworker trucks spotted on the way to the tower. It looks like a barricade is burning.

21:20We can hear loud party sounds and music from the tower

21:00 Police at the barrier tells, the person from the tower is back on the ground. One person can be seen put into a car. Sounds of demolition meanwhile …

20:55 No sounds from the tower

19:32 Construction and drill sounds from the tower. Clowning from above.

19:22 One more person arrested. Try to release her failed because of too many cops. Come to the police station in Cologne-Kalk (address)

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