CrimethInc in Hambacher Forest

The CrimethInc collective produced a 97 minutes podcast on the Hambacher Forest. Have fun!

In this episode, the Ex-Worker offers an in-depth profile of the struggle to defend the Hambacher Forest. In the Rhineland coal country of western Germany, a group of angry locals, environmentalists, anarchists and squatters have converged to challenge the destruction of one of the region’s oldest forests by the energy giant RWE’s brown coal mining. In these moving interviews recorded live in the Hambacher Forest in spring 2014, Clara gets a tour of the occupation and discusses the recent history of actions and broader political context. Through insightful and often hilarious informal conversations, the occupiers point out distinctive features of the forest, show the gritty and frequently comical day to day realities of squatter life, discuss their personal motivations for resisting the destruction of the forest, and offer poignant insight into the logic of resistance as a way of life. The episode concludes with recent updates from the occupation, ways to participate and show solidarity, and reflections on its significance for radicals across the world. {June 15th, 2015}

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Bucket wheel excavator in the brown coal mine Inden occupied

This action declaration reached us via mail today. The action is still ongoing, see press release below. Updates


Wenn vier Menschen auf solch behutsame Weise einen Riesenbagger für mehrere Stunden lahmlegen können...

Tonight, four activists occupied a large bucket wheel excavator in the Inden opencast mine. They climbed to the top of the excavator about 70m high. The machine halted is one of the largest machines in the world that normally destroys 24/7, literally churning the landscape. In Inden lignite is promoted for Rhenish mining area above ground, that is: Everything is about being in the way and will be destroyed; who lives about is expropriated and expelled. Where villages, fields, meadows and woods once stood inconceivabley huge holes appear in the landscape, an industrial wasteland to the horizon. Of all of the energy sources, lignite, is ridiculously inefficient, releasing huge loads of CO2 and particulate emissions, and the conversion of power supply to renewables sabotaged with inflexible “baseload plants”.

The event is also a solidarity greeting from the resistance against the Rhenish lignite mining area to the resistance against the meeting of the G7 in Elmau.

Continue ReadingBucket wheel excavator in the brown coal mine Inden occupied

Tree occupied at the edge of the clearance the night to September 30, activists occupied a tree near the edge of the open cast mine Hambach. The tree is one of many that is supposed to give way for the brown coal mine Hambach during the cutting season that starts on October 1.
“This destruction is only one example emphasizing the value of environment and humans in this economic system!”, one of the tree occupiers says.
“The open cast mine, one of the biggest producers of CO2 in Europe, is not only responsible for the expulsion of humans and the deforestation of one of the last primeval forests in Middle and Western Europe. It is also having an impact on the world climate. Thus, it is jointly responsible for heatwaves, droughts and floodings. Thereby whole ecosystems are collapsing, especially in the Global South, and many people lose their livelihood.”
With this action the activists want to oppose the destruction of life and call everyone to get involved in the conservation of our livelihood.
“We see ourselves as a part of a global movement, which is accusing the profit of individuals in disadvantage of everyone! We are in solidarity with indigenous peoples all over the world, who are especially suffering from the power of companies and who in some cases effectively manage to resist”, another activist says.
The Link to the fotos:GrubenBlick

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