Unionists for the preservation of the Hambach Forest

02.11.2016 Hamburg Members of the German trade union ver.di and co-initiators of the amendment to the ver.di Energy Policy have addressed an open letter to Frank Bsirske, the Federal President of this trade union, who is also deputy chairman of the supervisory board of RWE. They urged him to work for the preservation of the Hambach Forest.

Link to the open letter in German

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Insights to the upside!

Repeatedly we publish on this blog notes, excerpts from diaries or whatever else is going on. They provide an insight into the life in the tree houses of the Hambach Forest. With many pictures.

We are nature defending itself

11/03/2016 Hambach Forest / Aquarium Although the clearing work started a few weeks ago, it was hardly as present as it is today. This is probably due to the fact that the sound of the machines is now closer to my ear. I estimate that today the central reservation of the former motorway is equalized at the height of Beechtown.

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Newsletter: August – October 2016

 After a relaxing summer, the deforestation season has started again. So RWE is busy again cutting trees, but the coal resistance was not idle as well … Read it best yourselves in this actual newsletter. As always only a small selection.

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Photos of first clearing works

Last week (Wednesday and Thursday) first clearing of this winter took place, also near the Beechtown occupation, but now for the first time this season on both sides of the motorway, not even a stone throw away from the first barricade. With heavy machinery, first aisles were driven into the forest, undergrowth was removed, and some trees were felled, as you can seen in these pictures. (Click to enlarge)

Felling near Beechtown-1

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