Police searches WAA and Forest Occupation
Currently every corner of the WAA house in Düren and on the meadow occupation in the Hambach Forest are searched …
Come around, we do not know how long any report will be possible.
The repression against the environmental movement in the Rhineland is increasing.
+++ Important: New contact number +49 15759103780 +++
The newspaper Aachener Zeitung ( see article http://www.aachener-zeitung.de/lokales/region/pferde-hunde-hubschrauber-grossrazzia-am-hambacher-forst-1.1335124 ) sees a connection to offences, allegedly committed in late February. At that time the police claimed that their forces, who should accompany / enforce the deforesting work on the final day of the grubbing season, were fired at with slingshots. One person was arrested then, but after a short time released again. There seems to be video footage of the reported incident.
A dog handler with his dog is searching the meadow. What the dog is trained for, is not known.
Come to the meadow and the WAA, so that the police there can not continue searching everything unobserved !!!
Show your solidarity! Spread this information and support the local people!
Newest on top
Tuesday, April 12th
Also our last compa is free now!
Monday, April 11th
- 22:15 We call it a day and close the ticker for today. One person is still kidnapped (according to the latest info into a psychiatric hospital), but the others are all free. The arrests appear just to have been executed, so that the police could achieve any results after their totally excessive operation with more than 300 cops. We thank all those who have supported us throughout the day and who came to the solidarity rallies. Now it’s first of all clean up after the devastation. In addition, the cops have taken computers and phones, so we are pleased when people donate any. And of course we hope that the remaining kidnapped person will soon be free again!
- 21:10 According to our information the people detained in Aachen are all free now.
- 21:00 Police threatens with eviction of the solidarity rally in Düren, since there no chairperson is named – 20 people are there. Support needed!
- 19:53 From the GeSa in Aachen the 6th of 7 detained persons just came out