Dates March 2016

Continue ReadingDates March 2016

Criticism of proposals of an arbitration procedure in the Hambach Forest

Press release

Düren/Kerpen – For some months, increasingly proposals are made to start up an arbitration procedure to the protests in the Hambach Forest. In particular, the Greens of Düren endeavor for mediation in the style of Stuttgart 21. In it should participate among others activists and RWE. Among the activists predominantly critical voices can be heard on the subject

One of their points is that for RWE the central demands of the protests – to stop the lignite mining and the further deforestation of the Hambach Forest – are not open for discussion. In a statement of some activists also can be read that there was no equality, because both sides “had different possibilities in terms of resources such as time, money, public perception”.

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Fledermaus is free!

At today’s review of custody, four weeks after he was nearly run over, Fledermaus was set free. We are very happy !

Report about it on this blog Security guard strikes activists with his jeep
The YouTube Film about it.

By the way, Fledermaus means Bat. Only since the research of BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany), the importance of the Hambach Forest is known as a habitat of the Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii), which is strictly protected under Annex II and IV-FFH-RL. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the species is considered “seriously threatened”. Read more on the threatened species in the Hambach Forest

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3 Trials in February 2016

All dates
Feb. 12th
Trial for coal blockade in 2014
10:20 am, Lower regional court Kerpen, room 112
Open Street Map, Busstop “Amtsgericht”

Feb. 16th Trial Basti
09:15 am, Lower regional court Düren
1st floor, courtroom 1.25
Is to be contunued: Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 11:45 am, same location.
(hearing of more witnesses and judgment, perhaps there will be a larger courtroom available)
Open Street Map

Feb. 19th Trial “Mr. Blue”
10:00 am, Lower regional court Düren
Open Street Map
Show your solidarity and come!

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