Current information on the Skillsharing camp

InvitationAs you’ve probably heard, we’re in quite a mess right now. Among other things, the police just regularly does not let people into the forest or to the lawn. But that does NOT stop us from hosting our bi-annual Skillshare Camp.

Events and concerts will take place this year at the “Save the Forest – Protect the Climate – Camp”, also known as the “Hambi-Camp-Manheim”. There are also sleeping places available. A big thank you from us to this camp! Solidarity is a Weapon!

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Response to The Tragic Death of Our Comrade

When not just one but millions of lives are taken by coal particulates, climate change and repression, even to those proactively resisting those destructive and deadly dynamics those lives seem rather distant as if an important but almost as if a statistic. It is a different matter altogether when that life that perishes is one of one that you have known, shared meals and stood on the front-line with. 

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Wellness for Hambii

Hello hello!
The last days and weeks have been very exhausting for many people in the occupation. In both ways physically and psychologically. Due to that, there‘s the wish of receiving some wellness care, for example meditation, a nice massage, doing yoga, or receiving psychological support. Whatever you feel like is doing good, people would be really happy if you came by for sharing it. After the forest walk we can meet in the forest.
Thank you.
See you tomorrow!

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Beyond coal

During this last time, the mediatic attention to the Hambacher Forst occupation has massively increased. We’ve been appearing on news all over the world, but there is some important detail that casually most part of the media seems to forget, so we are gonna have to make it clear (again): the problem is much larger than this forest getting cut and this coal mine being active. The problem is larger than every forest getting cut and every mine destroying Earth. The problem is capitalism. And this is the message that the media has been taking away from us.

You can live a cute easy life, sign petitions, buy stuff on the biomarket, close the sink while you are brushing your teeth and turn off all lights to don’t waste electricity, and, don’t get us wrong, that’s okay, but as long as we live on a system that needs infinite growth on a world that has limited resources, that’s not gonna stop enviromental destruction.

We need an anticapitalist view of ecologism.
We need an ecologist view of anticapitalism.
We need to see beyond coal.
And we need you all to make an step farther to stop climate change, to make an step farther to destroy capitalism.

If it’s not you, who?
If it’s not now, when?

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