Guided tours of the Hambach Forest

Mona/ Oaktown

Sunday, December 27th, 12:00, was the 20th guided tour of the Hambach Forest by the forest teacher and nature guide Michael Zobel. They take place every month – not only for those, who understand enough German, because you easily can find a translator. Until now, 1550 people participated already…
Where we always meet: OpenStreetMap
The Pope, Obama, Vattenfall … and now, above all, the shareholders, many noted that the unlimited exploitation of our planet can not continue this way. And what does RWE? The deforestation season of this year is in full swing, 70 more hectares of this unique forest are fenced in and have to be destroyed irrevocably contrary to any sense.

In 2016 these guided tours will be continued every month: January 17, February 14, March 13, April 17, May 8, June 19,…

Contact +49 171-8508321 or

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Wind power station!

Since Saturday, December 20th, a 400 watt wind turbine produces electricity for the meadow. This windmill was built during the climate camp in 2015 by a group of people, and has now found its way to the occupation.
Instructions on how to clone it will be published here as soon as possible.
Wind turbine on the meadow by night
Thanks a lot to all of you for your commitment during the climate-camp.

Energy transition remains handwork!

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Oury Jalloh – That was murder! Demo also in Cologne 1 7th 2016 18:00 Bhf Süd

In remembrance of Oury Jalloh
Call for the demo in several languages with more info. (scroll to page 2 for English)

January 7th 2016, 6:00 p.m., Bahnhof Süd (exit Luxemburger Straße), Cologne. Open Street Map

For all those, who can not go to Dessau on January 7th, there will be a memorial demonstration again for Oury Jalloh in Cologne.

More info on the case of Oury Jalloh:

Continue ReadingOury Jalloh – That was murder! Demo also in Cologne 1 7th 2016 18:00 Bhf Süd