COP21 bike mass
We just received this e-mail:
I’m trying to set up a bike mass from Hambach forest to Paris for COP21. I seek people willing to come along.
The departure date should be between the 17th and the 22th of November depending on how quick we plan to ride. Keep me posted if you know people willing to join!
There is an international call for convergence in Paris to demonstrate against Cop21
International Call out against COP21
From November 28 to December 12 we will fight against the COP21 held in Paris. 195 governments and countless business leaders will gather to decide useless measures in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In fact , all they will discuss is the reasonable amount of pollution industries can release in the atmosphere. The new CO2 quotas
are nothing but another way for rich countries to grant themselves the right to pollute with impunity.We won’t let those who are responsible of global warming and the commodification of every life form hold their umpteenth masquerade peacefully!
The one and only solution to this matter is to end capitalism and productivism, not a summit in a militarized zone.
Those in Europe and the world who cannot stand this deadly system must converge in Paris against the COP21!
Multiple demonstrations and discussions will be held during the conference. Come with your initiatives and your will to create other ways of living, far away from the dictates of the economy.Accommodation and reception places will be provided. The following actions are planned:
- Saturday November 28 : Gathering of the convoys from the ZADs (zones to be defended against urban projects)
- Sunday November 29 : Demonstration
- From November 29 to December 12 : Multiple action days
- Saturday, December 12 : Closing day, and action day
The Parisian assembly against COP21
COP21 at
Ginster answered on October 28th:
On november 26th, a group of cyclists of cooperide coming from Copenhagen will reach the meadow. We ride on that day through the lignite basin to the Hambach Forest. Next day there is a meeting with the runners of “Run for your life”, who run that morning through the forest. In the afternoon the cyclists will ride on to Aachen. Friendly bikers are always welcome to the cycling tour through the lignite basin. People who want to ride on with cooperide to Paris, should contact them (due to the accommodation, the places for co-riders might be already taken).