Tower Eviction


klimaretter RWE-Forst: Polizei räumt Blockade, 17:31 Uhr, PDF
KStA Fünf Meter hohe Barrikade am Hambacher Forst geräumt, PDF

News ticker beginning with latest

22:00 One more person has been released from police in Cologne-Kalk. The fireworker trucks spotted on the way to the tower. It looks like a barricade is burning.

21:20We can hear loud party sounds and music from the tower

21:00 Police at the barrier tells, the person from the tower is back on the ground. One person can be seen put into a car. Sounds of demolition meanwhile …

20:55 No sounds from the tower

19:32 Construction and drill sounds from the tower. Clowning from above.

19:22 One more person arrested. Try to release her failed because of too many cops. Come to the police station in Cologne-Kalk (address)

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Plane Stupid blocks Heathrow Airport (“bringing the aviation industry back down to earth!”) blocked heathrow airport today.

As you’re reading this I am sitting in a police cell. I was one of the 12 people from Plane Stupid who were responsible for breaking onto the runway yesterday morning at Heathrow Airport and holding up flights.
The reason we decided to take what might seem like such extreme action is quite simple: we cannot build anymore new airport runways if we are serious about averting climate catastrophe. This action was a message to the Government who now have to make a decision based on a public debate that until now has virtually ignored the climate change implications. Heathrow versus Gatwick? We can’t expand either if we still remain serious about stopping climate change. more

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Blockades in the open cast mine Hambach, after today’s press conference

At 11 AM, a press conference took place at the meadow occupation next to the Hambach Forest. Main topic was the occupation of 4 huge diggers in the open cast mine Hambach last weekend. Afterwards, headed to the mine again. 4 Persons locked themselves to a ropebelt conveyor, which transports the excavation material away from the digger, which had to stop his work at once. Others blocked directly the bucket wheel of the digger.
Several people were arrested, but at the moment (16:30), the ropebelt conveyor is still blocked.

Image of press conference:

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July 17th – No Border Marocco in Cologne

On Friday July 17th 7 p.m. an info event takes place in the AZ Cologne about the situation at the EU borders in Spain to Marocco. Flyer


No Borders Maroc

The external european border and ways of fighting it

As a result of the externalization of Europe’s borders, thousands of migrants are stuck in northern Morocco and live in harsh conditions while trying to cross the Mediterranean or the border fences of the spanish exclaves Ceuta and Melilla.

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