Basti is free!

We made it! A big cheering outside the courthouse – many from the meadow and from anywhere else had followed the call and welcomed our friend Basti warmly. We had to wait a long time in front of the house and there was some commotion because none of us was allowed to enter the building. One person was arrested for a short time, but is now free again. At the meadow it’s party now! But we don’t forget our Compa Felix sitting still in the prison of Aachen. Freedom for All!

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Tree Occupation “Neuland” – Replacement, Escalation, Chaos

We have just received the following explosive information:
In spite of massive surveillance, the “tree sitter” who has been fenced in by security guards since 4 days, has now been successfully replaced, by another activist!
The tree occupation “Neuland” at the edge of the open cast mine Hambach continues!

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Eviction aborted!

RWE realized that the weather did not permit an eviction yesterday, November 27. So RWE announced to launch a new eviction attempt today. The weather today will be good. Come in great numbers to the vigil taking place in solidarity with the occupants and the preservation of the Hambach Forest!
The vigil(s) are on the way north from Buir to the old A4 motorway exit. From the meadow from you can go there with accompaniment. Let us support our comrade numerously!

UPDATE: The security intensified its presence in the area and is intimidating people! It is best to go directly to the meadow. From there we can go in groups. We also can pick up people at the Buir railway station or accompany them from there. Take care of yourselves, and don’t let them intimidate you! Contact: 0049 157 5413 6100

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EVICTION -fire brigade on the way to the occupation

12 vehicles of the fire brigade are moving towards the prefield of the mine. There, on the edge of the clearcut, one activist is occupying a tree to prevent it from the cutting. After calling all nearby fire brigades, no official seems to know anything about the opperation – at least they say so.
In the morning we already got a call, that 8 police cars (one century) are on the highway A4 going from Aachen towards our dirrection.

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