Update: Police searched the meadow Camp.

The Meadow Camp was searched by the police. 2-3 Units of Riot Police surrounded the Meadow. A lot of the Police is also on the meadow. The official Reason for the search: They search for granates, armour material or something related.
The Executive Chief of the Police was at the beginning not available for the protesters. Independet Observers from Düren are at the spot. Also Kriminal Police and Riot Units from Cologne and Aachen.

Around 18:30 Three Units of Riot Police from Cologne surrounded the Meadow at the Hambacher Forest. Under this Circumstances around 30 Police Officers from the Criminal Police all tents, cars and huts on the meadow. Some Things were confiscated and 2 People got arrested. One of them was searched by the Police. The other one was taken for clear the identity.
Around 20:30 the search was finished and the police left the space.

Continue ReadingUpdate: Police searched the meadow Camp.

The Last Weeks!

Since the 1th of October nearly everyday different actions happened against the Logging Work in the Hambach Forest near Cologne (Germany). Tree Occupations, Blockades on the Roads towards the Hambach Forest, Blockades of Companys which are involved in the Exploration. In this Time a lot of Assaults by RWE Security against the Activists happened. Workers of the Company “Kaisers” attacked Activists with hammers and put death threats against the Activists.
These Blockades are part of the “No Tree is cutted” Campaign. These Campaign should disturb the logging action, the operating schedule of coal mining and energy generating.
Coal Mining is the most climate damaging way to generate Electricity. This way is accomplished here by batons, police and judicial trials. With Flood Light, Fences, Barbwire, Security Guards with Dogs, Starving out activists, Violence against Activists and Hundreds of Cops they trie to prevent the disturbance of the coal mining.

Since several Years the resistance is facing the interests of the Companys. Several Times since 2012 activists occupied the hambach forest to stop this life harming Technology through Treeoccupation, Ocupation Camps on the ground, Manifestations and Climate/Skill Sharing Camps. In this Time a colourful and creative resistance movement developed.
This was also showed by the last days due to different direct actions. Yesterday there was another Blockade of a logging machine. Three Activists climbed on the Machine and made there concerns public through a microphone. One Activist locked himself to the machine with his neck, so that in case of eviction he would be strangled. These was made public to the Security Guards to prevent them from eviction. The Security made an attempt to pull down the activists from the machine. In this situation the locked on person was falling in his neck and got strangled. The Security stopped the attempt. The surrounded the Machine to prevent the activist from getting away. After One Hour the the Police showed up with around 30 Persons. Despite the Surrounding 2 Activists could escape.
In several negotiations between the locked on Person and the Chief of police it was communicated that the Person could not free himself. After this Policeman entered the machine and were fixing the person to the roof and then cut the neck chain. Then the police brought the person with handcuff and batons to the police station in Dürren. There they collected his fingerprints to identify the person. Then he was released.
Today in the Morning RWE started logging work directly in the area of the Occupations to provoke the activists. Several Activists entered the forest to stop the logging work because in this area activists are living on the ground and on the trees.
Thereupon the RWE Security attacked and injured activists by batons, pepperspray and punches. Also Activists got arrested with strangling and cable ties. Shortly After that the police entered the forest with heavy machines 4 units of riot police and technical supply. Until now 9 Persons got arrested and transported to the police station in dürren. Also the Police started to evict the “Pile” (a barricade with people living in it) which is blocking the way to the tree occupation. For more up-to-date information check the ticker.

Chronology of the last weeks.
29.10. Blockade of the logging work by occupation of the machines. One Person locked-on and the arrested.
28.10. Blockade of the logging work by building barricades and paint bombs to the machines.
25.10. Blockade by blocking the logging machine.
19.10. Walk throw the Forest with 50 Person.
17.10. RWE and Police found a second Occupation near the hole. They directly cut the trees. No Activists in the trees.
15.10. Activist in falling out of the tree. One Person arrested.

Continue ReadingThe Last Weeks!

Evicton! Injuries! Blockades! Searching!

RWE Wachschutz injured Activists. One Person losing Consciousness due beating by the Security. Activists choked and arrested with cable ties.
Today was another Blockade of cutting and logging in the Hambacher Forest, within the Campaign “No Tree is falling”.
At this Blockade the RWE Security attacks the activists with batons and Pepper Spray. At this point some activists get injured.Thereupon a second Blockade happened to make the Security and the Loggers aware of it that they accept to injure the activists. At this point Security attacked the activists roundly with batons and pepper spray. Also the Logging Machine was heading directly towards the activists. During this attack 3 Activists get injured, one of them losing consciousness for a moment. Also the RWE Security arrested 3 Person, they choked the persons and bond them with cable tie. Activists defended themselves. After one hour police showed up and arrested 3 more persons. The police came from Düren and also the Arrested people will be brought there.
Come around and support the Blockades. Show Solidarity everywhere, thats what the people need here.
Press Contact: 015754136100

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trees with platforms at the edge of clearcut felled

The daily madness continues.
This morning activists from the tree ocupation “Grubenblick” reported about an unpleasent visit beneath their platforms:
RWE, Kötters Security and the Police with a cherrypicker. The occupation is directly at the edge of the clearcut, no more than 100 meters distance to the hole of the mine. Some pictures from Grubenblick
The workers of the landmurdering company RWE cut down trees which had platforms on them. Soon after the police came by and examined the occupied trees of “Grubenblick”. Presumably they made preparations for an eviction.

Now it is quiet again, the activists of Grubenblick stay in the trees and have a hideous look on the deepest hole of europe and uncountable treestumps.

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