September: Forest walk every sunday

In September, there are five (!) Sunday walks, every Sunday, always at 11:30 am. Planned is the well-known meeting point near the gravel pit Collas, see maps below. Andreas Büttgen (Buirer für Buir) will guide the first walk, Todde Kemmerich the second one, Eva Töller and Michael Zobel the other three:

“At the end my appeal: come into the Hambach Forest as long as it is still possible, show that you do not want to stand idly by the destruction of the Hambach Forest.”

Enrol here: to indicate that you need somebody for a live translation.

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Hambach Forest declared “dangerzone” by cops

Hambach Forest and the surrounding area has been declared a dangerzone by the police Aachen, apparently because of crimes and “massive attacks” on police officers.
This allows them to conduct ID control on anyone as well as search all people and vehicles.

People caught without ID on them have mostly been sent to the police station to find or confirm their identity.
The cops have been controlling everyone they can, taking peoples property, including climbing materials, generally being annoying.

Don’t let their repression get us down. Come to save the Hambi and set a sign against this fatal dependence on fossil fuels.

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Skill Share: Now more than ever, and even longer!

In the last few days we were asked again and again whether the Skillsharing camp will take place, despite the impending eviction. And of course the answer is yes! No matter if and which structures are evicted, we will find a place either in the Hambi or in the vicinity and make sure that there is a great skill share! And to show that we are not going to let the repression organs spoil our events, we’ll put in some more days.
The Skillshare-Camp will be opened on the evening of 09/22 and go until 10/03.

Some frequently asked questions
Some background info

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Solidarity against Repression!

In the course of militarized assault on the meadow on August 28, an activist from the forest was taken down off the kitchen roof after updating the outside on the situation in the meadow and arrested He was taken to the police HQ in Aachen, where he was identified. It was found that there is still an outstanding fines for previous accusations resulting out of actions in the Hambach Forest. The police therefore threatened with a sentence of 150 days jail. The daily rates were advanced by a solidarity private person who is no financial standing to cover the costs long term. As fines are an attempt to drain financial resources of the movement please help us gather funds to at least partially repay this sum. We ask you to carry together this penalty of 1500 € (10 € x 150 days) ! Please participate in this donation call. No JUStice – no peace!

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