Barricade Eviction Press Statement

On 28.06.2018, the Hambach Forest between Cologne and Aachen was cleared of barricades. Some people from the movement would like to make a press statement.

At 9:15 the police entered the forest. The contact officer had previously called and informed us that there will be a large-scale police operation to clear the access routes of RWE forces, under the protection of the police. Furthermore, it was announced that RWE forces will confiscate “dangerous items” if necessary. What then followed went far beyond that. There were transgressions not only of interpersonal but also of legal limits, so that in our view the action must once again be regarded as a targeted attempt to provocate and divide the movement. Once again, facts are distorted to justify the incidents to the public.

The press release of the Aachen police says:

“In addition to RWE’s barricade clearances, the forest floor was also inspected off the paths. Employees of the responsible authorities (Kolpingstadt Kerpen, Gemeinde Merzenich, Rhein-Erft- Kreis) and the police jointly assessed all objects found as bulky waste. These included plastic tarpaulins, pallets, wood, metal poles and old furniture. On behalf of the responsible regulatory authorities, RWE transported a total of 140 m³ of refuse in over 17 trucks today alone”.

We want to make a correction here:

Tearing down sleeping and storage areas (tents, constructions, etc.), declaring them as bulky waste and then carting them out of the forest is a farce that is unacceptable. In the course of “barricade clearance” in search of “dangerous objects”, structures were deliberately destroyed and subsequently presented as “garbage” in the press report of the Aachen police.

Another quote from the press release of the Aachen police:

“In the interests of transparency, an attempt was also made to enter into dialogue with the residents of the Meadow, but talks were rejected.

It must be made clear that the police have illegally gained access to the legal meadow camp. The police justified the breach of the law with the “execution of danger”. In a situation where police hundreds gain access to people’s private rooms and then demand communication, the behaviour of the meadow dwellers is more than legitimate.

Aachen Police:

“But it must be clear to everyone that the forest must be freely and above all safely accessible to everyone and that if disruptions and crimes occur, the officials will continue to intervene consistently!”

The forest is accessible to all civilians at all times, in contrast to the statement of the Aachen police, we are happy about conversations and discussions. The barricades are usually portrayed as dangerous but they primarily serve to protect the forest, to make clearing more difficult, and to protect against arbitrary violence by the police and the security company Mundt commissioned by RWE.

To the topic why we don’t want the police in the forest, there was already a detailed article on our blog.

Another situation:

“A puppy dog ran to the contact policeman during the evacuation work, who assured the activists by telephone that they could pick him up without police control. Here with it came with the collection of the puppy to a break of this promise and the activist was held over 90min by the police with handcuffs. And was only allowed to leave again after providing personal details.”

Note: It is consensus in the Hambacher Forest not to maintain contact with the Police. People doing so were asked to leave. The “institution” of contact policeman has been established after years of public critique of Forestry Ministry and Law enforcement for not engaging forest activists in discussion. It has been put in place only after events in which forest activists have been seriously injured, including by a moving vehicle by RWE security and consists of calling Hambacher Forest published numbers 15 minutes as the police is already on the way, before their appearance in the forest.  Contact cops are not just “good cop” PR tools but also intelligence assets in charge of contacts and extracting information from anybody willing to talk to them.  They are not legally obligated to honor any promises they make and often will say anything towards a strategic end in sight.  Like for example doing everything possible that RWE continues to profit by wrecking our Planet.  So much for public safety!

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Förwilda-Camp in Sweden

“The summer in Sweden is cold and the sun never sets. That’s what we found out during our week-long stay in the diverse Forest ‘Vilseskogen’ near Gässjö in Angermanland in middle/north Sweden. There grow mostly pines and spruces, and some of them are 400 years old. Other characteristic species are mooses, different kinds of berries and lickens. When we went for inventory we found some red-listed species and our first wild orchid. The water of most of the lakes and springs is drinkable.
Our camp was set up on a hill in the middle of the forest. It was a small camp with a lot of different people, including locals from Gässjö. We had different workshops, self defence, practiced tree-climbing and learned how to build an instant platform. Furthermore we took long walks in the forest and talked about strategies to save forests in different local struggles.
But why did we meet here?

This forest is supposed to become toilet paper. The biggest private land owner in Europe, SCA, is planning to clearcut the entire ‘Viseskogen’. SCA is a company certified by FSC (Forest Stuardship Council) as an attempt to make them look clean and ecological. But under the logo of FSC forests are cut down in which red listed species are found. SCA only has to protect 5%
of the forest, but they can change the protected areas as they like over the course of time. This puts all of their forests at risk and does nothing to protect them in the long run. We now know the true face of the Satanic Clearcutting Assholes that they are.”

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Raids and arrests in Bure (F)

On Wednesday, June 20, 2018, the fight against the CIGEO project was hit by a wave of house searches. At 7 o’clock in the morning, the Resistance House in Bure was searched. At the moment (when the German version of this article was published), the searches are still in progress.

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Poem: Grey walls – A night in a police station

[trigger warning – mentioning of police violence]

Grey walls – A night in a police station

I‘m waiting.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard what you do.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard that you make people scream.
Am I going to be the next one?
I‘ve heard you‘ve broken bones.

My blood rushes around,
but there is no where to go.
My blood rushes around,
but there are only grey walls and numb noise.

I‘m moving in circles,
my body is here with me.
I‘m singing in circles,
my memories are here with me.

I‘m waiting.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard what you do.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard that you make people scream.
I‘ve heard you‘ve broken bones.
I‘m waiting

The wating is over!
Pain – floods my entire body!
Eight on one!
Pain – cuts through everything that has ever been.
My blood rushes around.
I‘ve heard you‘ve broken bones.
Nowhere to go – there is only pain.
Waiting till all is over.

I‘m waiting.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard what you do.
Waiting till this is over.
I‘ve heard that you make people scream.
I‘ve heard you‘ve broken bones.
I‘m waiting

I‘m moving in cirlcs,
my body is here with me.
I‘m singing in circles ,
everything changed.
I‘m waiting.

The waiting is over.
I‘m here and we meet.
You, me and everything that is.
Our bodys are here together.
We are singing in circles,
our songs are here with me.
All for one.
We are here for each other.

— one of us

Continue ReadingPoem: Grey walls – A night in a police station