It’s quiet in the forest for the time being – An interim report

Dear Hambis, I just sent this message to my brother-in-law. It needs no further explanation:

Hello X, I hear you are worried about the garbage in Hambach Forest. Rightly so. Unlike what the police wants to make us believe, it was created during the evictions, as the tree houses were scattered on the forest floor, along with everything in there, including windows. But something has been done in the meantime. This was a message from October 14 on Twitter:

Today was #Hambiputz @Oaktown1312 is full of broken pieces. Help Clumsy & Co with shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, possibly sieves, firm bags or similar, gloves. We first collected shards in one place. #HambacherWald #Hambibleibt.

There are a lot of people who walk around barefoot, at least in the never-ending summer. You can see all the pictures from before the eviction: nowhere but a pinch of garbage.

The bat caves are now free again. Bat rescue action

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Solidarity with the anti-gas resistance in Brunsbüttel!

In connection with the Global Gasdown-Frackdown action days last weekend, we wanted show our solidarity with the over 20 local initiatives and environmental organisations resisting the construction of the first German LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) import-terminal in the city of Brunsbüttel, close to Hamburg!

A group of companies, including Dutch company Gasunie, fossil-giant RWE and fertilizer-company YARA, are financing the expansion of European fossil-gas infrastructure, hoping to in the future start importing fracked gas from among others Trump’s fascist USA.
In spite of droughts, hurricanes, and all other catastrophes connected to the climate-chaos they have caused, the ruling-class continues its destructive “business-as-usual”, in the search for nothing else than power and wealth.
… but not without resistance!

In the last months the anti-fossil-fuel movement in Germany has shown its strength in the struggle for Hambach Forest. As the forest is safe for now, it is time to show our determination for a fossil-free world! To show that we are everywhere, and that the struggle continues!


Read the open letter from the initiatives fighting the project here: (German)

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