Warm Welcome on the Outside to 3 Released and call for support of UP2

Many of us would like to extend a warm welcome back to the Forest and the world outside of the walls to 3 of our recently released comrades. YOU WERE AWESOME, THANK YOU!!!

Also even though they are out please remember that effects of incarceration and being imprisoned affect people very often for their whole lives. Please offer them support in adjusting and time afterwards to make sure they are ok. Being on the “inside” can make it is easier to view everything in terms of Us vs Them struggle and to idolise the movement.

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Thread on Today’s Trial against the #hambi4

Update March 16th: Yesterday’s trial of Hambi4 has been even less transparent than usual, with defense being very limited in access to “evidence”. The UP2 (prison and correspondence name: Foot) who for last 2 months has been kept in isolation from other prisoners has been kept in prison while others have been released. Keeping one person, or a group on the same charges while releasing others is a classic repression tactic, let’s respond then with more unity and solidarity and unity by focusing prison support and letter writing on supporting Foot. One is too many! Over 30 people blocked the courtroom and police transport vans yesterday demanding to be able to talk to UP2 before being taken to jail and only unblocked when it was agreed to.

We wish the “unknown person 2” all the best and hope to see them soon in freedom and in the #HambacherForst again.

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Climate Chaos Prisons – Being Imprisoned in Post Katrina New Orleans

The Hurricane Katrina was the highest Level 5 Hurricane,  a cataclysmic Level 5 which up to recently occurred only once a decade and which now are a yearly occurrence typical of emerging global Climate Chaos. Katrina became symbolic of effect of Climate Change on poor communities world-wide. It also became a symbol of disaster profiteering and repression; of forcing all inhabitants out of the city as the military, police, Black Water and private contractors and corporation appropriated, homes properties and resources of the victims of the disaster, putting large portion of them in detention centers and prisons. It also became a testing ground for new draconian provisions of the Patriot Act put in place after 9/11 World Trade attack which established state of de facto permanent martial law in US with its heightened state of surveillance and repression.

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Thursday, March 15 19:00 Freedom Books, London Hambi4 Solidarity Event

Tomorrow at 7:00 pm Hambach Forest and #FreeHambi4 Solidarity event will be held at Freedom Books, London.  It will include a presentation, documentary screening, an exhibit of photos and prisoner solidarity art with prisoner letter writing and a vegan dinner.  Please help us spread info to people in the region as obviously this is a last moment event.  Short update from Pont Valley protection camp will also be given.

Freedom Books is located right outside Aldgate, before White Chapel, tube station. Located in a passage on the side of White Chapel Art Gallery.

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