Advent atmosphere at the Aachen Christmas market
Advent atmosphere at the Aachen Christmas market by experimentellerrand on Vimeo.
Pictures of the Christmas market flashmob: flickr
Text translation coming soon!
Advent atmosphere at the Aachen Christmas market by experimentellerrand on Vimeo.
Pictures of the Christmas market flashmob: flickr
Text translation coming soon!
It has become dark and cold in the forest. The winter is noticeable already and people arm themselves with thick jackets and long campfire evenings against the first snow. And even against the dark, something can and should be done. Because there is currently no electricity in the forest and meadow. A group of enthousiastic diy people have already found themselves ready to take up the fight with technology, but their inventiveness is also limited, because there are still some crucial things missing.
Now you come into play and if you find the following things still in your, or other cellars and garages you can make sure that soon happy activists walk through the forest with loaded cell phones.
Here we have put together a small list of needed things:
See also Donations in kind
Thanks for your support!
International Call for Solidarity Actions with Hambacher Forest Struggle.
The last large part of the millenarian Hambach Forest is about to be cut and its over 11 occupations/barrios evicted during the 2017/18 cutting season expanding the chasm of the largest lignite mine/largest sigle CO2 emitter in Europe even more. Now there is a higher North Rhine Westfalia court hold on continuation of Hambi’s destruction, awaiting decission by a single not yet disclosed court apointed “expert” later this week. Given the local state of co-option of the state, municipal and judicial aparatus by special interests of Climate Killer RWE the decission is more than obvious. Even if suprisingly the decision would not be to destroy the forest the coal mining would still continue and the occupations still would face imminent evictions. Eviction constantly called for by nationalist AFD party and the rulling parties of CDU and SPD by stirring a shit-storm of fear mongering and delegitimization of eco activists in the forest as criminals, terrorist and at best riot-tourists. The cops also took advantage of the down time in cutting to provoke, distract and divide some of the local NIMBY groups by threatening to destroy the forest and its occupations if road barricades are not taken down and managed to entice some individuals to not only distance and dismiss us as perpetrators of “violence” publicly but also to engage in this zero-sum-game by taking some of our defenses down under the cover of darkness. And yet as so many attempts were made to isolate and atomize the struggle the phenomenal outpurring of support came in the form of thousands of supporters coming to the forest bringing warm solidarity in many forms. Hundreds of others egaged in solidarity action across Europe. To all of who did this: hearty thank you goes out from one of many as well as call to hold on to your banners and get ready for soldarity actions and to occupy and re-occupy the forest when the cutting and evictions resume.
A call also goes out internationally to engage in Solidarity actions, sharing photos and statements on #hambibleibt (hambi stays)and reusing your banners in front of German consulates and embassies and RWE outposts when the physical attacks on the forest resume. Also appreciation for diversity of tactics besides of course direct-action of locking-on, blockading, tree-sitting, “etc” is expressed and respect and appreciation given to comrades engaging in paper/legal-wrenching, deinvest and boycott movements against earth-destroying fossil-fuels industry. Only by coming together and using a diverse array of tactics and by maintaining unity and perseverance is there a chance of making a difference in the face of only seemingly overwhealming forces and interests pushing the Planet past numerous points of no return.
HambiBleibt! In solidarity with all anti(extractionist, neocolonialist, authoritarian) struggles World-Wide
The e-mail below was sent to us:
I wrote down a bit to counter the confusion / uncertainties / rumors about the B.U.N.D. NRW lawsuits, the clear-cutting stop and the turn of the year. I hope this is helpful for you and will give you a better starting position to get active in preserving the forest! At the bottom you’ll find a newspaper article from today’s AN.