Anti-terror attack on the Christmas market
Today there was a solidarity action for the Hambach Forest at the Cologne Christmas market.
More information below!
Today there was a solidarity action for the Hambach Forest at the Cologne Christmas market.
More information below!
Incredible wave of support, banner drop actions, soli demos, info points and
vigils support during last week of stress of imminent evictions, the trauma of witnessing two days of destruction of the forest and of state physical and chemical violence directed at our comrades of seeing the hipocricy of COP23 being followed by mad
corporate rush to extract the last dirty fossil fuels with the strong arm of the state during all this bullshit and through more that continues those action made many including the person writting this remember and feel that we are not alone in this struggle….
This Sunday was the regular single day of snow a year sticking on the ground for even shorter amount of time then usuall. Parents in the region with Children between 12yrs and 1 yr old recalled how their older kids had a chance to play in the snow but how the young ones are now denied that same opportunity. With 9 of the hotest years on record all falling withing the last decade the effect of lignite are not just catastrophic but very much in front of us. Do or Die! resonates even more so especially with the sight of the snowy Hambach being a vanishing sight on two levels: the snow itself and then the forest as well.
Whether the link below will be the only remnant of this reality hinges on many reading this joing the struggle, supporting the forest and climate justice strugle at large.