Skillshares Wishlist

Skillshare Camp is only days away and planning and preparation is well underway. That is why a final call goes out to invite all to come and share their knowledge, learn and take part in defending the Hambach Forest.

A request is also made to support the Skillshares Camp with any of the following:

1. Vegan Food of all types.

2. Sleeping bags, blankets and bedsheets

3. Clothing

4. Media equipment: cameras, laptops and “smart”phones.

See you in the Forest!

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Deutsche Welle Article

An article has appeared with video from Deutsche Welle discussing how Hambacher Forest is at the frontline of the Climate Struggle. Also mentions the slow transition to renewables and lists many of the important dates and statistics.

Video Clip shows the Meadow, the meal with visiting Climate Defenders and an interview with one of the activists

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Hambacher Forest Abloom

Wood Anemone has once again covered the forest floor with white flowers. One of the first plants to shoot up has been nettles now full of vitamins and being very tender perfect for spinach-like dish and pesto with the plant re-growing quickly after being cut. The tree leaves have not yet opened up but the lower forest canopy of shrubs and bushes is taking advantage of unobstructed sunlight to open their leaves first so the forest floor is beginning to look lush. Insects and migrating birds have returned as well.

The blooming plants are an excellent chance to identify many of the smaller medicinal herbs which are at other times are harder to spot and are easy to mistake for other look-alike plants.

For more info on the Hambacher Forest floowers, herbs and their medicinal and food uses check out:

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Secus Destroy Crosses in the Forest

There has been lots of uproar in the past and even threats of mobs coming and buring the #Meadow in response to roadside crosses being put on the barricades in the forest. Well now we know who the neo-pagan barbarians, destroying the crosses, taking away the local jobs, and burning and demolishing the local villages, really are. It is the RWE employed security guards. During their last intrusion in to the forest, when a group of 8 secus entered the forest smoking cigarettes, taking photos and laughing at tree-sitters one of the crosses commemorating trees cut at “Jesus Point” put-up by one of our supporters from the local village has been destroyed. The cross seems to have been hidden somewhere in the forest and its sign was left torn at where the cut tree and the cross once stood.

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