Hambacher Forest Abloom

Wood Anemone has once again covered the forest floor with white flowers. One of the first plants to shoot up has been nettles now full of vitamins and being very tender perfect for spinach-like dish and pesto with the plant re-growing quickly after being cut. The tree leaves have not yet opened up but the lower forest canopy of shrubs and bushes is taking advantage of unobstructed sunlight to open their leaves first so the forest floor is beginning to look lush. Insects and migrating birds have returned as well.

The blooming plants are an excellent chance to identify many of the smaller medicinal herbs which are at other times are harder to spot and are easy to mistake for other look-alike plants.

For more info on the Hambacher Forest floowers, herbs and their medicinal and food uses check out: http://forestabloom.blogsport.de/

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