130 People show up on the forest walk despite the weather

This Sunday the walk in the Forest brought more than 130 people to the Hambacher Forest. After converging on the road to Buir and meeting each other and talking together for about 40 minutes with tea and coffee and info provided by Hambi Activists the group journeyed into the forest. The walk stopped at forest occupations of Oaktown and Gallien where Forest Defenders shared their experiences of living in the trees and the visitors brought numerous donations of food and supplies. Later food(followed by a loud applause for the cook/s) was provided in the forest at the edge of the meadow where photo exhibits were shown. Towards the end many new visitors witnessed for the first time the destruction of the cutting zone itself and saw the mine with its diggers. There were also two “contact” plain clothes police present on this community walk, who tried to ask activists about which part of the occupation they live in. No responses were given to these questions given the common experience of facing often violent and almost always large in number police presence in the forest. That is also what makes the monthly walk in the forest such a welcome break for many of the forest people as it allows one, for a change, to be surrounded by a large number of people who are not armed, aggressive and who do not blindly back the most ecologically destructive company in the region and world-wide.
Some of the photos from the Walk:

Newly added (3.23):

Bild 24



Continue Reading130 People show up on the forest walk despite the weather

SkillShares Camp April 10-17

Skillsharing Flyer
Skillsharing Flyer

This spring once again a Skillsharing Camp will take place on the meadow again.
The agreed on date is: April 10 to 17 . The Camp will be full of workshops, lectures, art and actions in and around the Hambacher Forst. We are confident that it will be as much visited, if not more,as the last time, and that after the hard winter it will bring new impetus into the resistance. So please spread the info! If you want to help with the orga or contribute to the program, please feel free to contact. We look forward to seeing you!

Flyers are available in the forest (we can send them by mail, simply write us a message) or print them yourself.

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Forest Walk This Sunday

Sunday, 19.3.2017, 12 o’clock: 36. Waldspaziergang with Michael Zobel
13 March 2017
In general and dates

“Good day everybody,

Early spring in Hambacher Wald. The clearing season 2016/2017 is over, there is peace again. The forest has once again become considerably smaller. Nevertheless, the rest of this former forest of the Rhineland is still worth preserving and many people are working to save the remaining land.

This includes the monthly guided tours I have been offering for three years. Fabulous 7022 small and large people were present, last 1200 (!) Participants in the Red Line in February.

Now the March forest walk is on. Certainly again a bit quieter, certainly more nature guidance than demonstration. RWE is always trying to prevent the tours, but also roadblocks do not stop us from coming back and showing people what environmental destruction is happening in front of our doorstep.

Also next Sunday we will show again pictures, which are not to be seen otherwise, will start conversations, which otherwise do not take place. All are invited to take a pictures, form an opinion, ask questions.

I thank you for the support, sincerely,

Michael Zobel from Aachen

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Secus again using their trucks to run down people -2 Activists Arrested

The 4 different security firms working for RWE around the mine have been attempting to keep people from looking into the mine and from taking photographs. In case of the media this constitutes a polite caution to return to the edge of the forest and not enter the deforested area or attempt to take photos of the mine. In case of the Hambacher Forest Activists entering the same area results in a mad chase with securities attemping to “bag” an activist. Cars and trucks are used to try to chase people down and pin in them in just like in the case of a forest defender getting hit by the suckurity vehicle, being injured and then arrested for assault during the previous cutting season.

This Sunday in the early afternoon several activists ventured to the vicinity of the mine. They were at approached at first by two secu trucks which were then joined by two more. As if this was an open season on environmental activists: the vehicles begun to rev up their engines loudly, drive madly around the activists and attempt to box them in with their 2-3 tons of steel. When this did not work, some of the secus got out of the trucks and begun to chase the activists on foot through the ankle deep mud, with both sides slipping, sliding, getting stuck and falling as the 4 trucks continued to drive at the activist and attempt to cut them off. During this madness two activists were maced and captured and are being detained, either for trespassing or for any additional stuff that the pigs decide to add on to keep them longer. One of the activists earlier in this cutting season was woken while sleeping in the forest by the RWE’s publicly funded, storm troopers by being beaten and kicked and then was arrested. We can only imagine that experiencing this continual level of physical state instigated violence must make this already shitty experience even more so. Our Solidarity and Support Go Out To Them!!!

You are not alone! We are with You!! FUCK RWE!!

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