130 People show up on the forest walk despite the weather
This Sunday the walk in the Forest brought more than 130 people to the Hambacher Forest. After converging on the road to Buir and meeting each other and talking together for about 40 minutes with tea and coffee and info provided by Hambi Activists the group journeyed into the forest. The walk stopped at forest occupations of Oaktown and Gallien where Forest Defenders shared their experiences of living in the trees and the visitors brought numerous donations of food and supplies. Later food(followed by a loud applause for the cook/s) was provided in the forest at the edge of the meadow where photo exhibits were shown. Towards the end many new visitors witnessed for the first time the destruction of the cutting zone itself and saw the mine with its diggers. There were also two “contact” plain clothes police present on this community walk, who tried to ask activists about which part of the occupation they live in. No responses were given to these questions given the common experience of facing often violent and almost always large in number police presence in the forest. That is also what makes the monthly walk in the forest such a welcome break for many of the forest people as it allows one, for a change, to be surrounded by a large number of people who are not armed, aggressive and who do not blindly back the most ecologically destructive company in the region and world-wide.
Some of the photos from the Walk:
Newly added (3.23):