Leith Hill, England: Forest Occupied

The Fort

A coalition of environmental activists and local residents has occupied a forest in Surrey South of London to block Europa Oil from cutting a hectare of protected Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty that is also part of the local Green Belt. They have built a massive fort-like structure on the planned location of the drilling site, surrounded by tree houses and platforms and are also maintaining a roadside camp. The support of many locals has been exceptional, with meals cooked by a different local family each evening being brought to the protest site. The camp occupation is run by a small group of mostly older activists, with the fort being a closed to the outsiders high security installation. More direct-action and eco-defense activists are welcomed to exchange their skills and keep the struggle against fossil fuels going at this beautiful and still natural location.

www.bbc.com/news/video_and_audio/features/magazine-39117535/39117535 (Video)

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RWE Engages in Illegal Logging

The cutting season has ended as of beginning of this month. Yet today unauthorized and illegal cutting took place in the vicinity of Death Trap tree-house, close to the security bridge. This cutting has been taking place without any escort by the police and when confronted by activists photographing and filming this, the persons engaging in out of season cutting hid and tried to get away without being photographed.

…well the NRW parliament (North Rhine Westphalia) did after all just declare that its possible to deforest and mine without any long-term legal and financial consequences…

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folge kosten bund

North Rhine-Westphalia Parliament turns down assessment of costs of post-coal exploitation clean-up and remediation.

In the latest round of decision-making a proposal was put forth by the Pirate Party for an independent assessment on the costs of the brown coal exploitation and associated clean up costs. The application was commissioned by BUND(German Friends of the Earth) and environmental experts who criticized the lack of transparency in coping with the long-term damage caused by brown coal and the lack of financial funds for clean up operations. This was in turn rejected by the majority of FDP, CDU, SPD backed by their Green allies.

This proposal to take a deeper look at the impact of coal on the local ecosystem and economy was turned down due to “Green” Party’s compliance with the coal industry. Initially the Greens supported the proposal only to vote against it in the end as SPD and the Greens in NRW had agreed by forming a coalition agreement that stipulates that they will only be voting in unison. Why such an environment oriented proposal has the potential to split the coalition says quite a bit about the state of “red-green” power-sharing alliance.

In the course of the roll-call vote, the members of the Pirate Party were filming the Green MPs as they cast their votes. Voting was then interrupted and the filming and photography was expressly forbidden.

This decision, or rather lack of any decision and action reflects the bleak reality of the so called Resource Course. Turning through the capitalist dynamic of exploitation and corruption the richest in natural resources regions such as Apalachia, Niger and Anthabasca River Deltas, Northern-South America and Western Papua New Guinea and many, many others including NRW into the most ecologically, socially and economically decimated regions on the planet where the the local population is left not just with a toxic legacy but also with increased aftermath of repression and human rights violations and disintegration of any illusions of governmental transparency. Only in such a context is it possible to ignore the global impact of Fossil Fools and Extreme Energy, as the ruling politicians who are also openly employed by RWE call out louder and louder for eviction, repression and silencing of all who raise the voice of alarm and refuse to remain passive.

Of course this lack of social responsibility and the resulting ecological and climate break-down is also a “great opportunity” to all who, like RWE, have close connection to military industrial complex and benefit from use, expansion and also militarization of law-enforcement and who already take advantage of political and ecological disintegration by housing refugees in their ghost-towns. For them peak-everything reality of enforced scarcity, climate chaos and the state of permanent emergency represent unprecedented profiteering and power-grab opportunities. However the total disregard, arrogance and ignorance of principles of ecology, climate science and social justice by all of those who spin these visions of enriching themselves with no bounds and of returning to the past glories makes it too easy for them to ignore that the disaster that is put in place here will be and already is so global and complete in scope that this time there will be no economic miracle to bring us out of the ruins of hunger, collapse and decimation. Faced with this reality many movements and struggles around the world including the Hambacher Forest Occupation refused and continue to refuse to remain passive.

For more on this political passivity, co-option and corruption that can and does function as a good argument for radicalization check out the links at the end of German Blog version of this article.


Forest Info Replaced

Polizeieinsatz 21.02.2017
Last week during clearing of barricades about 20 riot cops and RWE workers destroyed and took out the forest the Info Board showing tracks of animals in the forest as well as direction signs pointing to different parts of the forest occupation. Damaging and removal of Hambacher Forest material and any information on species present in the forest is a on-going part of the repression cycle. This info and structures do not go well with present propaganda campaign against forest activists which has been conducted by openly employed by RWE politicians and their “journalist” contractors done to justify the planned eviction of the meadow, forest occupation and destruction of the last parts of the Hambacher Forest using public resources to try to erase any educational or ecological content that is in conflict with their constant green-washing campaigns. Yet for as long as the forest activists occupy the forest there will be banners, forest info and signs to remind all of the issues at hand.

Polizeieinsatz 21.02.2017
Shortly after the this last “visit” new signs and info were put up illustrating the species which are being defended in the Hambacher Forest. It included outlines of birds in flight and responses to the destruction of the forest, mass polution and destabilization of global climate. This time the info has been placed higher up in the trees.

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