The action week is starting again (January 22th – 31th, 2016)!
Some information and recommendations in this regard:
Firstly: You also can come if you don’t want to participate in any actions that are potentially associated with repression!
Ther will be some structures as :
- Küfa (Küche für alle = Kitchen for all) cooks two vegan meals, they are happy about helping hands
- To-Do-Meetings every morning at the (self organised) brakfast (an opportunity to coordinate with others in order to complete pending tasks)
- Heated common spaces
- Shower facilities at supporter’s in the neighborhood
- Self-organized first aid, there is an (improvable) first aid room and a phone, to be staffed every day by a first aid experienced person, and a list in which people can sign up as a partner, mentioning their first aid experience (every day at least one experienced person and as many less experienced as want, bring first-aid stuff!)
- Committee of enquiry of Anti-RRR (Antirepressionsgruppe Rheinisches Revier (anti repression group Rhenish mining area). They make sure that people who were arrested, do not get lost when they call there. They take care of legal counsel if necessary and assist during and after detention, …)
- Out of Action (Action follow-up, Emotional First Aid, support after violent and traumatic experiences, …)
- Awareness (a structure that seeks to raise awareness of respectful, non-discriminatory cooperation and to cope with overstepping of boundaries, where the needs of victims of an overstepping should have a particular priority. But attention is also paid to the overcoming and at best the setteling an overstepping. Attention! The boundaries of each human being are different and can only be defined by themselves, there are no standards, which can be assumed! )
- Public spaces are free of mind-altering drugs. There are defined areas where, for example, alcohol can be drunk
- Safer spaces (safer space = a space where you can retreat, especially after experiences that have to be processed, a place where you can find peace. One is on the meadow, several opportunities are available at supporters and combatants in the nearby area, also to get shelter for several days.
Tanslation in process
Die Strukturen sind großenteils anschlussfähig oder brauchen Leute, die sich darin einbringen!
Außerdem gibt es auch immer Bauprojekte, die sich über Beteiligung freuen und Menschen, die den Widerstand dokumentieren (Fotos, gemalte Bilder, Videos, Musik, Texte,…)
Folgendes solltest du mitbringen:
- Zelt (wenn möglich, es gibt auch begrenzt Schlafmöglichkeiten vor Ort, aber zur besseren Planung wäre es gut, wenn du vorher eine E-Mail schreibst, wenn du einen Schlafplatzt brauchst)
- warme Klamotten (vor allem viele Socken!)
- Regenschutz
- feste Schuhe!
- Klopapier (wenn alle ein bisschen was von irgendwoher mitbringen muss nichts gekauft werden, wie dumm wär dass denn…)
- harte Drogen sind nicht erwünscht!
Wenn du mit der Bahn kommst…
versuche den Weg vom Bahnhof zu uns (und andersrum) in Gruppen von min. 3 Menschen zu machen, da es dann weniger wahrscheinlich ist, von Securitys gestoppt oder angegriffen zu werden. Wenn du allein bist, ruf an und wir versuchen, dich abzuholen.
Montag: (Anti-)Repressionsworkshop
Dienstag: Erfahrungsaustausch über Repression und wie andere mit Gewahrsamnahme umgehen
Mittwoch: Bericht einer Aktivistin über Anti-Atom Widerstandscamp in Finnland (dort soll ein Kraftwerk gebaut werden)
Wenn du auch einen Workshop o.ä. anbieten möchtest schreib gerne eine E-Mail.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!