Things that we urgently need right now

We expect the eviction soon, so we need:

  • Evictionfood (VEGAN) (food, which doesn’t get bad) oats, rice, tins, chocolate, nuts, dried fruit
  • packed water (also for eviction)
  • small gas stoves
  • all kind of transport capacities (cars, trailers, time)
  • Bitumen to rainproof our roofs 😉

Thanks in advance, also for all the many things that have arrived in any form already with us.

System Change, not Climate Change!

See also Donations in kind

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New forest occupation at the Frankfurt airport

Website of the occupation;art688,2874426

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Demolition of the “Immerath Dom”

Live Ticker:

Jan. 9

12:00 Meanwhile, the first tower is destroyed, rubble is cleared away.

Jan. 8
Since early morning, the cathedral was occupied by Greenpeace activists. Banners were unrolled, people locked themselves on in the cathedral. Two Greenpeace activists were bitten by a police dog early in the morning and hospitalized. Hambis were sitting on the roof of a neighboring house. There too, banners were unrolled. On-site observers reported that there probably would not be demolished today.
The demolition is scheduled for 2 weeks. It will begin on the main nave (altar side). Already yesterday, some hundreds of people were there and protested.

4:20 pm All previously arrested persons are free again!
2:20 pm 4 people were arrested. Police states that they have been brought to the Hückelhoven police station for ID treatment.
2:14 pm The demolition started

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Political prayer in Immerath

Politisches Gebet in Immerath, 7. Jan. 2018

Let’s put it undauntedly: we want a change, a real change, a change in the structures. This system is no longer acceptable; the campesinos can not stand it, the workers can not stand it, the communities can not stand it, the peoples can not stand it… Nor does the earth, “our sister, Mother Earth”, as St. Francis said.
Pope Francis at the World Meeting of Social Movements in Bolivia in 2015.

In the background: the “Cathedral of Immerath”, on the last day of its existence?
Before that, the demolishing machine with the extra long arm of the company Herzog is already waiting. In front of it, the fence that is supposed to keep unauthorized persons away from the “construction” place. With a quote from the boss of the organization that once was the owner of this building. We would like to hear many of that radical statements from him. But maybe there is too much disagreement in the church?
In front of that fence, Christian women who are very much in agreement with this statement, Catholic and Protestant, who organized this political prayer.
There were about 300 people.
The words of a child were also read out about this demolition: “Hopefully the excavator will not start!”
At the end someone said: “Let’s not forget that without the people in the tree houses, the Hambach Forest would not exist anymore!” Big applause.
Spontaneously, one of these people said: “Please do not believe the horror tales about us. Come and visit us!”

Videos of the day before, January 6th:
German press:!5472039/

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