Skillsharing Camp – Workshop-Spoiler

 To give you some anticipation, here we announce already some workshops that will take place at the Skillsharing Camp. The list is regularly updated, even during the camp.

See also the Spring Skillshare 2018 – FAQ

    • Climbing training
      Climbing activities and tree houses are probably the most well-known trademarks for the Hambach Forest. So also during this camp there will be climbing training.
    • “How to shut down a coal power plant”
      The title should speak for itself.
    • How to build and use a Tripod
      Here you will learn how to construct a versatile blockade tool from three trunks and a rope.
    • Refusal of ID disclosure
      The refusal of giving personal data is a repeatedly successful anti-repression strategy. This is about how it works and also about benefits and risks.
    • Press work and rhetoric training
      Press work and rhetoric training for interviews on climate, energy and civil disobedience, for newcomers as well as a refresher for experienced activists.
    • The coal power plants of the seas – entering cruise ships
      They belong to the largest producers of CO2 emissions in the world, from the most dirty heavy oil. Information and what can be done against it.
    • Anarchist Gardening
    • Shoplifting – emancipatory political action or egoistical self-enrichment?
      Here a space is to be opened for the discussion on the sense of shoplifting. If desired, afterwards there is space for the exchange about the practical implementation.
    • Freegan > Vegan?
      Here the speakers explain why from their point of view animal products from a dumpster are more ethical than purchased vegan ones. Then there is room for an open discussion.
    • Good life with debt and asset disclosure
      If you are politically active for a longer period of time and, as a result, you also clash with the state or your political opponents, you often can’t avoid having to pay money. From being overburdened or ignorance, such claims are often settled without any thought about alternative ways of dealing with them. This workshop will introduce ways to move away from simple paying and organizing solidarity parties. It should also give insights into a concept of life that is already successfully practiced by some activists.
    • Jail – experiences and survival tips
      Also in the context of the Hambach Forest it happens now and then, that people end up in jail for shorter or longer periods. People who are afraid of this scenario can hear testimonials from activists with jail experience here. There is also room for questions.
    • Freifunk
      Freifunk is a network in community hand. It’s not just about bringing open Wi-Fi everywhere – it’s about getting the Internet back.
      The infrastructure that connects people today is largely in the hands of monopolies or the state. But the one who owns the Internet or the railways that we use, affects our lives massively. In order to take back this infrastructure, there are technical possibilities and initiatives.
    • Der Schwarzfahrbot
      Subways and buses, for which you no longer need tickets, are a fascinating idea. But still controllers are up to mischief. If you only knew when and where they are controlling, you could save a lot of money.
      With ticketfrei bots, an entire city can warn each other when checkers are on their way. Monitor the monitors and get back your infrastructure.
      This workshop explains what is behind political goals and how to achieve them. We not only explain how to get ticketfrei into your city, but also how we developed the bot. It’s not difficult to fight for a better world with code.
      Read More
    • My Body, my Choice
      Introduction to feminism and self-confident dealing with infringing behavior. Open for any gender.
    • Why BDSM and Feminism fit so well together
      Back in the 1970s, they said about feminists that “masochistic women collaborate with the enemy.” That was nonsense even then. On the other hand, today there is the sex-positive feminism that advocates a consensual and free exploration of one’s own sexuality. In the workshop, we want to face common “shades of gray” clichés and prejudices against BDSM-practicing people. Also (but not only) people with little or no previous knowledge are welcome. After a short introduction there is room for an exchange with your questions and topics.
    • Talking about DIY-HRT
      In order to create a protected space for directly affected by the subject, this workshop is not accessible to cisgender people.
      For transgender people in Germany, access to hormone therapy is still difficult to achieve on the official path, with many obstacles in the way. Especially when people are affected by multiple discrimination and e.g. fall out of the health insurance system or they are diagnosed with “mental illness”, the official path seems difficult to impossible.
      In this workshop an open exchange of ideas about alternatives to it will take place.
      A DIY HRT is basically a consistent implementation of the anarchist principle of “do it yourself” and the feminist principle “My Body, My Choice”.
    • Krav Maga
      Because sport is good there will be a daily Krav Maga-training during the Skillshare week.
    • Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
      How we can trigger ASMR deliberately.
    • Anarchist Can Activate Breathing
      Various useful or interesting breathing exercises.
    • DIY Stick and Poke Tattoos
      Stinging tattoos costs a lot of money? No, you can do it yourself with the right needles and ink. Here you can learn how.
    • DIY Piercings
      Auch Piercings lassen sich relativ einfach selber machen.
    • Concerts, Parties and ShowsKonzert: Cyber-Mike
      Wahnsinniger Liedermacher aus NürnbergKonzert: Sissi Fussel
      Sing a song writer from the Hambach Forest

      Konzert: Kontraproduktiv
      Sing a song writer from the Hambach Forest

      You surely have got a “non-talent” that you really want to perform, don’t you? For example, you really can not sing, rap, play improv theater, poetry slams or anything else? Here’s your chance to show just that.

      A fashion show for outfits that are anything but fashionable or even aesthetic. For those who want to join, the clothes in our Freeshop are freely available and the selection is quite large and varied.

      Good Friday rave with DJ Speedlabor
      On Good Friday public dances are forbidden, so what do we do?
      Of course, we invite to a public dance!
      Against the imposition of religious rules on non-religious people, against fundamentalism and against any authority!
      For secularism, fun and self-determination!

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