Ticker Barricade Eviction 12/20

NON-Deforesting Season 2017, Live Ticker


15:00 pm Habeas corpus hearing before the magistrate in Kerpen

11:00 am Now only one person is waiting for the detention exam date. All others are free and picked up.

8:30 am 4 people leave custody.


Six of twelve people in front of the Gesa were arrested today, tomorrow two of them will be put before the magistrate with the two from the tripod. Allegedly, the other four will be released at half past seven.

11:05 am The persons who were on the tripod, were brought to Aachen for personal identification. GeSa support is on site in sufficient numbers. (GeSa means Gefangenen-Sammelstelle, which is the place where detained people on such occasions are brought to. )

9:40 am The second person is evicted.

9:20 am One of two people is evicted from the tripod.

9:15 am The first barricades are cleared.

9:10 am A lifting platform is near the tripod on which two people are sitting. There are some officers on the ground.
Pictures here: https://twitter.com/Oaktown1312

9:00 am Police standing around in several small groups near the occupied former motorway approach road.

8:45 am Police have arrived to clear the Secu Road.

Continue ReadingTicker Barricade Eviction 12/20

Unraveling of BUND complaints, clearing stop, turn of the year

The e-mail below was sent to us:


I wrote down a bit to counter the confusion / uncertainties / rumors about the B.U.N.D. NRW lawsuits, the clear-cutting stop and the turn of the year. I hope this is helpful for you and will give you a better starting position to get active in preserving the forest! At the bottom you’ll find a newspaper article from today’s AN.

Continue ReadingUnraveling of BUND complaints, clearing stop, turn of the year

Film and information evening in Hamburg on Tuesday, 12/12/2017, 7:00 pm

A similar program will take place on Wednesday, 20.12.2017, from 7:00 pm in Klapperfeld, Frankfurt am Main.

“Protestfrühstück vor der RWE Zentrale in Köln! Wir wollen gemeinsam frühstücken, protestieren und vielleicht was Schönes malen. Die Aktion wird am 13.12 um 10-12 Uhr vor dem RWE-Standort in Köln stattfinden. Stüttgenweg 2 50935 Köln ”

In Leipzig gibts 2 Veranstaltungen:
13.12. 18:30 LinXXnet – Bornaische Straße
Vortrag & Diskussion, aktuelle Lage im Hambacher Forst von Waldbesetzer*innen
danach gemeinsames umziehen ins Liwi zu SoliKüfa & Solitresen
14.12. 19.00 G16 (Gießerstraße) Input zur aktuellen Lage & Entwicklungen
seit Rodungsbeginn 2017
+ Waldmusik von Besetzer*innen aus dem Forst und weitere Acts, Küfa & Tresen
Kommt zahlreich!

Continue ReadingFilm and information evening in Hamburg on Tuesday, 12/12/2017, 7:00 pm