Koelner Verkehrs-Betriebe, Cologne’s Municipal Transportation Authority, intends to cut down trees in 2 neighbourhood parks and among the Bonner Strasse to make way for a light rail project. Light rail unlike trams can not stop on a street but calls for elevated platforms and does not use existing road surface. Instead it causes massive neighbourhood destruction by the need to construct dedicated rail tracks, demolishing the already existing roads, tree-lines, side walks and historical buildings. It is an example of green-washed unsustainable mega projects. Initial estimate of construction was put at 500 million however over the first 2 years of its construction the cost have ballooned to over 3 billion while still not being in service.
This profit driven project focuses also on car traffic expansion and will result in a further pollution, CO₂ emissions and gentrification in this now largely working class neighbourhood.

A call goes out to all in the Cologne urban area and beyond to fight this concrete and asphalt based attack on the remaining urban green areas.
Stop by and support every Tuesday between 15:00 and 17:00 at the Vigil (Mahnwache) and info stand at Schönhauser Str. and Bonner Str. and on Thursday at 19:00 for a planning meeting at Restaurant Oratio on the corner of Mannsfelder Str. and Brühler Str.
4 day warning has to be given before these trees will be felled.

More info on



Hambach Coal Railroad Sabotaged

lone wolfs doing what needs to be doneOn the night of the 5th of January I paid a visit to the Hambach open cast browncoal mine close to Aachen. My goal was to destroy the railroad tracks with a load of thermite I stole from an other industrial company.

Thermite burns around 2500 degrees celcius, and the steel of the tracks melts around 1500 degrees celcius, so the thermite does a lot of damage when ignited properly.

I chose the location so it would hurt them most, at the part where the train can switch to the other track since this part is one of a kind and they have to make a new one on site.When I got there I set everything up after checking the target and my escape root, the termite I put in 2 plant pots with holes in the bottoms to guide the molten mixture to the right place. The stuff is easy to ignite with sparklers, which you can get anywhere around new years, but to be sure it all went up I put around 20 in each spot. I placed the device and set it ablaze.

Just in the moment I lighted the 2nd one I saw the headlights of a train coming my way. I had plenty of time to get some space between me and the molten mixture and watch the train driving into one of the pots. The tracks and front wheel were covered in the burning thermite and making a repetitive noise of the wheels hitting the damaged spot.
After one last look at this spectacle I got my ass out of there.

Piromane against RWE.

–found on–

Continue ReadingHambach Coal Railroad Sabotaged

Let’s stop together racists and neo-Nazis!

sit in
Saturday, 01/07/2017
1:30 pm Demonstration in front of the main station

Saturday, 01/14/2017
1:30 pm Cologne Ottoplatz/railway station Deutz

Pro NRW and other right-wing groups want to exploit sexual assaults on women on New Year’s Eve, during the night of January 1, 2016, for their racist agitation.

Continue ReadingLet’s stop together racists and neo-Nazis!

Action Advent Calender 2016

This year the first action advent calender started, the idea is: up to Christmas every day some people are going to surprise us all with some action against the clearcut of Hambach Forest. The actions will be published on (just in German) where are always more pictures than on this blog. If you want to take responsibility to take action for a specific date get in contact with them: 01577/6655450
Below you find an English translation of some of these actions.

— It is like a live ticker: the last opened door is on top —

12th door open!
Occupation of the Hambach lignite railroad:

After the most recent, massive attacks by RWE and the police on the brown coal resistance in the Hambach Forest, we went back into the offensive last night. The Hambach railroad is blocked once more, on both tracks.
Action declaration: (english)

Live ticker (up to now only in German):

Continue ReadingAction Advent Calender 2016