Cologne Coal Train Blockade, April 1st

The Day of action will begin at 11 am on the Marcel-Proust promenade with a climate festival and from 3 pm on the traintracks in the Municipal Forest of Cologne.

2017will be a busy year of actions against lignite mining. In August, thousands of people will enter the Rhine Coal Region and orchestrate massive actions of civil disobedience. In November, another action will take place during the climate summit in Bonn (COP23) with a Climate Camp being set up for the duration. In the meantime Ende Galende Action will be organized in Cologne. We will block the train, which brings the processed coal from the Rhine area from Frechen to Merkenich.

We are calling for an immediate switch to renewable energies from Rhine Energy and City of Cologne!

Rheine Energy is far behind time with a share of 4.9% renewable energies. With most of its energy still coming from coal. For this to continue, villages are relocated and forests are destroyed. What remains: “The Hole”, is bigger than cities of Aachen and Düren combined. Rheinenergie is 80% of the city of Cologne and 20% of RWE. We are calling on the city of Cologne to use its influence and to switch to renewable energies, as well as the conversion of the Merkenich heating plant to natural gas. We say: Back to the future! Get out of the coal!

We want the whole thing: the end of fossil capitalism!

We are fighting not only against coal, against fracking, against oil, but also question the profit logic and growth. These promote false solutions such as market mechanisms, large-scale projects and the continued exploitation of the global South. While few energy conglomerates earn splendidly and are assisted with subsidies, they alone disconnect power from 350,000 households annually in Germany – and make their own employees believe that the coal will last forever. We need a plan on how we, as a society, organize and finance social and ecological transformation – beyond capitalist profit logic. We all bear the consequences of energy policy – that’s why we want to play a part: for a democratically organized energy supply!

On to an obnoxious 2017!

We lined up in the diverse actions of climate activists and solidarize with the occupation of Hambacher Forst. We will not cease to interfere with the brown coal mining by our actions until our demands are met.

For more information in german, please visit:

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Climate Camp 2017 Dates

Climate Camp in Rhineland 2017

Klimacamp 2017

This year’s Climate camp will take place in the Rhineland from 18th to 29th of August. During this period, various educational and cultural events , workshops as well as protest actions organized as part of the 2017 area concept will take place. Based on the resistance against Castor Nuclear Transport it involves organizing overlapping areas where different tactics and players take different roles and locations. Altogether there will be three separate camps including one at the Hambach Forest. The Degrowth Summer School will also be back with a week of workshops on sustainability,DIY and anti-consumption driven outlook.

Further information can be found at:
See You There!!

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Compost Toilet Eviction Trial 14.03.2017 10:30


Düren District Court has now set the trial date for the hearing concerning the actions that took place during the Compost Toilet Eviction over 2 years ago. The date of the process will be the 14th of March in Düren.

Background: During the Skill Sharing Camp of 2014 over 50 riot cops and several pieces of equipment from RWE entered the forest to clear barricades and remove the compost toilets. This action was blocked for many hours by activists locking themselves to the bulldozers, frontloaders and by climbing into the trees in front of advancing equipment.

This trial is reflection of the current trend in the Rhineland of pressing charges against activist who lock themselves to, or block the heavy equipment. It is an attempt to prevent them from engaging in future actions. For this reason lets not forget about those who are being prosecuted and express our solidarity in person and remotely.

Personal Controls have been announced for this trial, meaning that all persons and belonging will be searched and personal information taken in order to enter the courtroom. For those not willing to comply with this there will be the usual outside the courthouse support action with banners, food and info.

14.03.2017, 10:30
Amtsgericht Düren
1.Etage, boardroom 1.25
August-Klotz-Straße 14
52349 Düren

Continue ReadingCompost Toilet Eviction Trial 14.03.2017 10:30


RWE’s destruction of the Hambacher Forest and the emissions from its power plants and their impact on the climate and general health is too destructive to allow and as stated by official estimates, to continue into the 2020’s.

As a response once again a human red line will be made at the edge of the clear cutting of the forest to show the public opposition to this destruction and to express support for the Hambach Forest Occupation.
Please come wearing red, with red fabrics and signs and lets draw a human red line to send an urgent message of That is Enough!, Yo Basta, and No More.

Directions: The meeting point will be at 12:00 at Grilplatz Manheimer Burge on the country road heading straight North into the forest out of Buir’s Train station where you should have no problem following the crowd between 10:30-11:30.

For more info you can also contact Michael Zobel, the certified forest guide conducting the walk.

More Photos from Previous Red Lines Actions available below:

See You in the Forest

Continue ReadingNEXT RED LINE ACTION: SUNDAY 19.2 12:00