Shots on the meadow occupation

This evening about 7:30 pm, several shots were made to the meadow occupation with an alarm pistol from a private looking station wagon which drove by the edge of the meadow. An eye witness tells: “A dark station wagon rolled past the meadow. It turned and was gone for some moments. Probably the car was parked at the neighboring meadow. A short time later two powerful flashlights lit up. A few minutes after that something was shouted from the car. Then someone shot several times out of the car. The car went away then and some more shots banged. It was probably a alarm pistol, the muzzle flash was directed towards the meadow.”

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comment January 21

We are “reassured” that police finally no longer want stand idly by when security guards beat up activists, break their noses and hit out their teeth and eventually almost kill them with a jeep (with the consequence that no security guards, but the concerned activists end up in prison). But why is the person who was almost killed, still without medical care in jail? Why fly helicopters at eye level with the tree houses or stand for hours in 10 m. height above the meadow (and why throw the passengers of the helicopter stones)? What can “massive information campaigns and intensive investigative work” mean, if not even the identity of the concerned security guards can be found?
The so-called rule of law is obviously blind in one eye. But it hits so much the harder in the other way, at every opportunity. If this spiral of violence continues that way, it will eventually lead to casualties. And everyone knows already that they would have to be deplored among the activists, not among the security forces.

Continue Readingcomment January 21

Call to all concerned parties

We received the following email:

A peaceful New Year and no further escalation in the Hambach Forest! – Call to all concerned parties

Dear readers,

We wish you and your loved ones a pleasant start of the new year.

Due to the growing number of voices assuming a massive deforestation of the the Hambach Forst at the beginning of this year, we hereby take the liberty of pronouncing an explicit warning.

If it should actually happen that the Hambach Forest south of the former A4 motorway should be deforested and that pumping stations to lower the groundwater table should be built, we would like to point out that these measures will lead to an escalation between the environmentalists and security personnel.

We therefore ask both the responsible politicians in North Rhine-Westphalia and local authorities, the police executives and the media representatives, to inquire at RWE Power AG as to when, how and where the measures will be taken and to ensure that the activists will not be endangered by the behaviour of private security forces.

We are very willing to communicate to you further information regarding the growing protest movement throughout the coal mining area, the mobilisation in the Hambach Forest and the machinations of authorities and energy business in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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