Power plant Niederaußem blocked

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Blockade with lock-ons and tripod in front of the power plant Niederaussem

Source: ausgeco2hlt.de

With a tripod and a sit-in, activists of ausgeCO2hlt blocked an access road to the coal power plant Niederaussem by 1:00 pm in the Rhenish lignite mining region. 20 activists chained themselves partly in lock-ons to each other, they partly fixed themselves in the tripod itself. The action is directed against the mining and electrification of lignite in the the Rhenish mining area and worldwide.

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Climate change? Do it yourself: stop coal power!

Source: https://www.robinwood.de

Loading crane for lignite shipment blocked / Solidarity with the coal resistance in the Lausitz region, in the Rhineland and anywhere in the world / real climate comes from below!
A group of environmental activists, some of Robinwood, blocked on Friday 11/27 for six hours a sophisticated “Stirnkipp facility” in the harbor of Königs-Wusterhausen. Two of the activists rappelled down in the tilting area of the installation and rolled out a banner reading “Coal kills the climate!” In Königs-Wusterhausen the dirty lignite from Lusatia is reloaded from trains on inland waterway vessels, which then reach the Berlin power stations – especially Klingenberg in Treptow-Koepenick – by boat.

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Solidarity with the prisoners of the Hambach Forest from Dortmund!

This we found in our mailbox:

From Dortmund we send a sign of solidarity to the prisoners of the Hambach Forest! We agree with the slogan “Prisons are no solution but a part of the problem”. Fan the flames of solidarity in all cities, do not forget the prisoners… until all are free!

Many greetings to http://agdo.blogsport.eu/2015/11/24/solidaritaet-mit-den-gefangenen-des-hambacher-forst-aus-dortmund/

Continue ReadingSolidarity with the prisoners of the Hambach Forest from Dortmund!