Call for Help from Finland

Below you find what happened on April 28

Update 30.4., just before midnight:

Unfortunately, there is bad news. Today both remaining camps were evicted, the residents fled (including the guests of the Action Week) for the most part into the woods. Eleven people are still detained, one person is seriously injured in hospital (after yesterday’s police attack).

“Fear not, hardships are made to be temporary”.
Repression against the opposers of Fennovoima-Rosatom nuclear power plant project continues: and it’s getting worse and worse. On Friday 4/29 two protest camp sites got evicted at Pyhäjoki, Finland. Police operations were, on Finnish scale, massive. Not big. Massive. Present were roughly 20 police vans, officers in riot gear, border patrol’s helicopter, sections from both national SWAT teams, dog units and specially equipped riot vans.

Reclaim the Cape!

Police declared the eviction of both camp sites by presenting a legally vague, written police order without even specified locations of the camp sites or other information. Just an order to leave and a declaration that police will arrest everyone „under the police law“ it considers to „be connected to locations“ or „able to disrupt public order“.

The majority of the protest campers and the “Reclaim the Cape” action week participants grouped up and vanished into the forests without negotiating with the police.

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Some Dates April – Mai 2016

Mai 2016 in the WAA and surroundings

∗ It starts on Mai 8: organised Walk in the Hambach Forest.
Games night on Mai 10 in the WAA
Antifa Café on Mai 12
∗ and an event on Mai 8, the memorial day to the liberation from the Nazis in KOMM Düren.
∗ In Jülich will be on Mai 14 the Concert & Solidarity Show Open Frontiers for All!.
∗ The Kitchen Collective invites on Mai 18 Küfa and film night in the WAA.
∗ End of the month in Düren Antifa concert on Mai 21
05/23 – 06/12 Construction weeks in the WAA.

Continue ReadingSome Dates April – Mai 2016


These two events were reported in the last days:

  1. Sabotage am Tagebau Inden (Sabotage near the Inden opencast mine)
    “Since April 12th 2016, this text can be found at Indymedia linksunten (bottom left). Here it is only redistributed, the content of the text is debatable.
    Note: The current authors of this blog have nothing to deal with both the text, as well as with the action described! This is an uncommented forwarding information.
    Then follows a text in German, in which a person declares to have tried to fell a pylon which transports the electricity needed for the open pit of Inden. It has suffered severe damage and needs to be replaced now.
  2. Under the title Anschlag? (Attack?) we published a comment to another text at Licht aus. Tagebau Hambach, Lights off. Opencast mine Hambach
    “From the side of the meadow occupation absolutely nothing can be confirmed. During the night in question no police was sighted around the mine, nor did we spot any fire. So far we have heard from none of our trusted sources that an action like this has occurred. We do not know, and here there is already speculation that this could have been a “False Flag” attack by RWE or RWE-affiliated individuals. It would make sense: Actually the resistance is more focussed by the authorities (as the recent police raids show), and that such events would lead to a closer look, which is certainly on the mind of RWE.”

We don’t have more details at this moment, we will report further in any case, if there is something new. And if anyone has more info / eyewitness accounts, please contact us! (Mails through our contact is automatically encrypted).
The second event remembered a reader of the German version of this site to the Reichstag fire in 1933, when the Nazis used (and probably lighted) this fire to start the prosecution and elimination of their enemies.

Continue ReadingSabotage?

RWE Stockholders Meeting 2016

RWE stockholders meeting 2016 in Essen (Germany) was met with outside protest and constant inside disruptions by over 70 activists from groups ranging from Fossil Free and Greenpeace to groups and projects engaging in anti coal blockades and direct actions such as Hambacher Forest, Robin Wood and Indigenous Groups from Siberia resisting the eviction of their villages by coal mining projects linked to RWE. The protests and actions started a day before and during the night with stencils on the pavement and walls around the headquarters of RWE and the convention centre. During the morning tables, banners and inflatables were set up outside of the entrance to the convention hall that was being guarded by both local police on the outside and private security firms inside. Approximately 40 activists got inside as part of the Critical Shareholders action to be at first met with pat down and metal detector searches followed by a large dose of green washing displays and presentations. All the computer stations containing RWE propaganda were promptly redirected to the home page of the Hambach Forest occupation and remained showing an eco/defense response to coal mining info, attentively read throughout the meeting by stockholders, next to RWE employees happily handing out corporate schwag. Before the actual meeting begun, the setting was rather surreal with activists connecting and taking Virtual Reality tours of RWE coal mines and its diggers, as waiters served drinks to an older and more conservative demographic all around.

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