MONTREAL AGAINST TAR SANDS AND PIPELINES, October 14, 2014 – As TransCanada gears up to apply to National Energy Board (NEB), Climate Justice Montreal releases a communique rooted in a climate justice perspective in opposition to tar sands and the TransCanada Energy East pipeline. With a photo symbolizing the direct action that is already taking place along pipeline routes across North America, Montrealers say that oil companies should expect more popular resistance. For more information:montreal-against-tar-sands-pipelines


Press Release about the accident on Monday

Struggle against Climate Change at high personal Risk

Helicopter rescues fallen climbing activist – climbing partner arrested without reason

On Monday, a French activist fell down from a 8 metre high platform at a forest occupation near the clearcut border of the open cast mine Hambach. A helicopter brought the conscious accident victim to the nearby hospital. Another forest occupant was arrested by the police during the rescue mission and was held at the police station in Düren for several hours without reason. For 3 years, activists have been protesting in the Hambach Forest against Europe’s biggest open cast mine, which is located between Cologne and Aachen.

Continue ReadingPress Release about the accident on Monday

Solidarity worldwide! we’re sending messages of solidarity to the blockade at the SUNCOR refinery in Montreal, Quebec that took place yesterday, to the Banc Expropiat squat under threat of eviction in Barcelona, Spain, and to the resistance against the gold mine in Skouries, Greece.

Early on October 7, four women blockaded the SUNCOR refinery Montreal using tripod and lock-on techniques. This was to protest the reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9B oil pipeline, which will be bringing Tar Sands oil from Alberta through Montreal for export.

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Blockade October 1st – brutally attacked, on October 1st 2014, the demonstrations against the ongoing clearance of the Hambach Forest continue at the gates of Europe’s biggest open cast mine.At 09:25 am three bulldozers, one chain dredger and one truck were occupied at the gateway of the open cast mine Hambach.
The workers of RWE and the hired security reacted violently. They attacked the demonstrators with metal pipes. Diggers which were occupied by persons sitting on them continued to move, disregarding the fact that this was a serious thread to the activists’ lives.
Due to the violence performed by RWE’s wageworkers the activists were displaced from the territory already 15 minutes later. They withdrew to avoid further violent escalation.
Is the planned destruction of a forest more important than the health of human beings?
Further information on today’s events and pictures will follow soon!


Despite the violent behaviour of the workers nobody was injured seriously. Here are pictures showing the action

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