ONLY 80,000,000,000 EURO!!!!

State of NRW has notified the owner of the Meadow that it is to be sold to RWE Power AG through expropriation and imminent domain.

Purchase price offered is 12,500 Euro.

Asking purchase price: 80 billion Euro.

RWE’s purchase price offer was determined on the basis of the value that the meadow would have if used for agricultural purposes (= fictitious value).

The purchase price claim of the signatory (= K.C.) is measured according to the profits RWE generates from the ownership of the meadow (= real value) over the term of the opencast mine. These profits amount to a total of around 4 billion euros per year x term of the opencast mines of 20 years = 80 billion euros. These profits are generated at RWE Power AG.



most article behind a paywall of this local paper frequently engaging in anti-Hambi Green-Scare propaganda:


Animal Rights Group Brings Down “Environmental” Minister of NRW!

“Environmental” Minister of North Rhine Westphalia, Christina Schulze Föcking has just been forced to resign over a shit-storm of a scandal having to do with severe animal abuse recorded by animal rights activists who broke into her family pig farm(run by her husband) at night.

A little background that is excellent also in explaining why a largest single CO₂ dumping conglomerate in Europe, RWE, can continue to operate with full impunity in NRW not only shielded from any legal consequences of causing global climate calamity but also influences the local government enough to have multi million Europe repressive police operations protecting its interests and the resistors are locked in jail for months without access to evidence against them, and if they do not speak German all their mail is blocked isolating them even more.

Continue ReadingAnimal Rights Group Brings Down “Environmental” Minister of NRW!

UPIII’s Extrajudicial 2nd month detention with no mail

UP III who was arrested during the Anti-Specist week continues to be detained as a flight risk, pending trial, with really shabby evidence against them which is being covered up by not giving defense access to it.  Their mail is being severely cut off with UP  III only receiving 2 letters after a month and a half of imprisonment with at least 50 having been sent.   There is no legal ground for withholding the mail all together so instead it is being send for translation, then forwarded to a Aachen districts court from Cologne for approval, resend back to persecution and only then forwarded back to jail. This delay could take as long as two months altogether with mail being “lost” at any point in this burocratic chain isolation and psychological repression.

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Today’s Forest Walk

Today despite the rainy weather over 100 people showed up for the Forest walk with the youngest person being 3 months and the oldest being 80 years old.  Also despite the gloomy weather and even gloomier reality of RWE’s giant diggers and their climate killing effect, the atmosphere was very upbeat with visitors and supporters expressing their appreciation for the Hambi struggle. There were also present representatives and defenders of the indigenous struggles in both Colombia and Siberia where RWE’s coal mining is also causing, except much greater, ecological destabilization and much more extreme persecution of the anti coal opposition and resistance with over several thousands in Colombia having been killed by paramilitaries openly being paid by RWE’s contractors and incredible and cataclysmic decimation of Coal Mining in Kiznetsk region.

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