Zine published

One of our supporters compiled a Zine in english (PDF). Feel free to publish it!
Update 12th June: The Content is now available on this blog:

From the preface:

This zine tries to give a short overview over the struggle against the lignite mining in the Rhineland in Germany. It is a compilation of texts that were written by people who also participated the occupation.
One thing that is important to understand is that it is an open struggle which means that there are somehow agreements against hierarchy and domination, sexism, racism and specism but there is no exact collective opinion. People who participate the struggle in the Hambacher Forst participate as individuals who organize together but not as platformist slaves.
This means also that opinions and analysis stated in the following texts do not necessarily revlect on a common point of view. Rather there are as many opinions as people involved. Surely there are also many things to critisize (such as victimisation or using terms and logics of the state like “guilty“, “illegal“ or „injustice“ for example). And this criticizm is necessary and welcome.
So this compilation of texts does not even reflect on the opinion of the people who put it together. But surely the ones who read this zine will be smart enough to make up their own conclusions.

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