Red Lines

While people from the lignite resistance set red lines along the former motorway A4 (upper red line) to prevent RWE from clearing the forest south of it, the company sets its own red lines.

Compare: Open Street Map

Actually, they are cutting counter-clockwise from east to west, starting at the eastern Secu Bridge (former motorway exit). Probably mid-December, these deforestations are likely to be done. Then they could go on south of the former A4, starting from the west. The already marked forest section covers the area on which the tree protection pictures hang, about 300 by 300 meters (see <!–and–>) (starting at the western barrier, which sometimes blocks the path to the former western bridge), then the line leads in mostly about 100 meters, at the end only 30 meters distance to the former A4 from west to east. About 15 hectares of forest would fall victim to these plans if implemented (and if the forecast is correct – no guarantee!) Pictures (25, from east to west) follow below:

Der gefährdete Waldabschnitt im Südwesten

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