442 Walk in the Forest this Sunday

The monthly walk in the Hambach Forest has not only grown exponentially in size over last couple of years it has also became a cultural and political phenomena reflecting general support for Hambi Forest Activist and phasing out dirty coal as an energy source. For many in the Hambi it is great to have several hundred people show up in the forest who are not cops and who instead of supporting Toxic RWE and arresting us, instead bring us food, warm clothing and offer their general warm support. Even in this cold weather so many came bringing the total of people who have attended the forest walk to close to 12 thousand. This time with the youngest visitor being 4 months old, the oldes 81 and the people who came from furtherest being visitors from Colombia and Peru.

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Starting a Prison Riot: Hambi Prison Story from Texas

Starting a Jail Riot.

Before dropping out completely out of capitalist work and profit driven world and fully realizing how corrupt and full of lies it was I would engage in temporary work during my travels. It was at a gig like that helping at upholstery shop in a small west Texas town located right on the border with Mexico, that I discovered how fucked small town “justice” can be. The shop was a car-lot full of dead and old cars, some with bullet hole riddled windows with a small shack in a middle, for two weeks I lived and worked in that shack and had access to one of the old cars to get around. And as I drove in that old clunker to get a shower, pick up my wages for one a half weeks from my employer in the middle of town I was cut off by a police car the cop ran out of the his car with a gun gun in his hand which he pointed it in my face and arrested me for stealing a car I was driving. No problem, I thought, the guy I was working for would show up and straighten it out.

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Evictions in the Occupied Lejuc Wood near Bure (F)

February 24th
After the first evacuation (see below), not all tree houses were cleared. On the contrary, at least one was reoccupied. With the others, it is tried. The still-occupied tree houses were supplied with food by people who managed to get through the police bars. A new clearance action is in progress!.

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Communique from Bure Owls about yesterday’s Police Action

As wave of repression hits our comrades in France. A call of Solidarity to You goes out of Hambach Forest Struggle and a reminder to all of previously announced re-occupation of the Lujuc Wood scheduled March 3rd and 4th.  See you there!!

Bure, 22.02.18 This morning at 6:15am the eviction of the Lejuc wood (Bois Lejuc) started with 500 riot cops, reinforced/orchestrated by a communication campaign from the home secretary (ministre de l’interieur), the news channels diffusing shock images of military vehicles gathered next to the Lejuc wood, cabins being invaded, cops in balaclavas armed with chainsaws and cameras…

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