Breakfast at Secu Road barricades Tue. and Wed.!

Join us for breakast at the frontline of defense of Hambacher Forest for barricade breakfast this Tuesday and Wendsday from 8 to 10.  This road has filled up with numerous barricades and melted and dug in asphalt ditches, tripods, the “Beach” and the Strand Bar after the celebration following the hold of cutting 2 weeks ago.  Then it became a contested ground not just physically  but also physiologically with cops calling for taking down of the barricades in exchange for not coming into the forest, this distractionary and divisive tactic was not trusted in the forest.  Now we have been informed that if any rocks fly in the direction  of the cops they will destroy the whole forest by cutting numerous roads into this millenarian habitat.  This is quit a escalation as in exchange for a scratch on their helmets or shields they will destroy one of the last ancient forests in Europe. This narrative redirects attention from  ecological and climate violence perpetuated at the whole Earth, countless species and organism about to lose their habitat and their lives, millions around the world aready suffering the consequences of RWE redirecting the responsibility for its destruction at the people who have been defending it for last 5 years.

This disastrous future which is brought onto the whole Planet by actions of RWE and the NRW police forces assisting is only possible if criminalization and stigmatization of climate justice and direct action continues witout opposition.

Say no to this Bullshit either through Soli Actions or by joining us at the “Secu Road” on Tuesday and Wed. 8 to 10 to de-escalate and resist waves of repression with a one sided narrative of eco-defenders as violent criminals.  You will be able to do that by having coffee and tea with us discussing the issues at hand, climbing onto the tripods and documenting and photographig the disproportionate state repression aparatus that will most likely pop up its ugly head during that time.

Bring Food, cameras and extra SD cards!

See You on the Barricades


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Destruction from 2 days of clear-cutting

During Monday and Tuesday over 10 acress of millenarian 12,000 year old Hambacher Forest has been cut. Going into that area is a sad, sureal and infuriating experience.

It is estimated that if the present rates  of global deforestation continue(an area the size of Belgium disappearing anually) only about 10 percent of the global forest will remain by 2030. The estimates of carbon dumped into atmosphere from the deforested wood and humus biomass alone is about 17 percent of total global emissions.

When climate change is looked at as a business opportunity in a growing field of geo-engineering, false and non-tried solutions of carbon sequestration that are used as justification to continuing to dump CO2 into the atmosphere, it is the forests and trees that have been and remain the best and natural converters and sequesterers of carbon.

Obviously if their financial value is greater than ecological awareness, and foresight of local, state and judicial institutions their biodiversity remains at risk.  The financial value of tons of climate, atmosphere and water-table destructive lignite under the forest floor only sways the scales of “justice” in the direction of the profit it brings to RWE not to the impact it is having and will continue to have on future generation.   Even the global disaster it is bringin on is looked as a financial opportunity.  In this context the outcome of the delayed legal decission is rather obvious so:

Pack Your Gear and Get Ready an Join Us to Help Defend The Climate and Hambi!!

System Change not Climate Change – Hambi Must Stay!!!


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Clearing stop does not mean that the forest is safe…

Today we woke up and the forest was calm. No rumbling of the machines tore the silence, no police helicopter stood over our houses. Since yesterday 6 pm RWE is not authorized to continue the deforestation. However, this does not mean that the forest is saved: the grubbing-up is prohibited until the court has decided on the application. When that will be, no one can exactly estimate here. In addition, the lawsuit is directed against the operating plan for 2014-2017. Even if the court decides in favor of us, deforesting would be possible again from 1 January 2018, unless the main operating plan, which will apply from 2018, is successfully challenged.

What clearing stop does not mean either is a ban on evictions. Tree houses and the meadow camp still can be evicted (and for Armin Laschet, the lignite also seems to be a special heart issue). Therefore, be careful, keep yourself and your allies up to date. In case of another police operation, there will be a warning again by SMS

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Deforesting work in Hambach Forest temporarily stopped!

Press release of the Higher Administrative Court

The Higher Administrative Court has provisionally obliged the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with an interlocutory decision to ensure that RWE Power AG refrains from further clearing and deforestation measures in Hambacher Forst from 6 pm on November 28th, 2017.
Der sogenannte Hängebeschluss ist eine vorübergehende Regelung und gilt bis zu einer Entscheidung des Oberverwaltungsgerichts im anhängigen Eilbeschwerdeverfahren. Der BUND NRW e.V. hatte beim Verwaltungsgericht Köln mit einem Eilantrag zu verhindern versucht, dass RWE vor rechtskräftigem Abschluss des Klageverfahrens vom Hauptbetriebsplan 2015-2017 des Braunkohletagebaus Hambach Gebrauch machen kann. Gegen den insoweit ablehnenden Beschluss des Verwaltungsgerichts vom 25. Oktober 2017 hatte der BUND Beschwerde eingelegt und im Rahmen dieses Beschwerdeverfahrens am 24. November 2017 eine Zwischenentscheidung bis zum Beschluss über die Beschwerde beantragt. Diese hat das Oberverwaltungsgericht nun erlassen. Zur Begründung hat der 11. Senat ausgeführt: Die Zwischenentscheidung sei zur Gewährleistung effektiven Rechtsschutzes angesichts der Komplexität des Sachverhalt und der sich stellenden Rechtsfragen sowie zur Vermeidung irreversibler Zustände erforderlich.

In der Hauptsache hat das Verwaltungsgericht Köln am 24. November 2017 die Klage abgewiesen. Ein Rechtsmittel gegen dieses Urteil liegt dem Oberverwaltungsgericht noch nicht vor.

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