anti-speceist week: 19th to 25th of March

An anti-speceist week will take place in Hambi in March! You are all welcome to join for a series of workshops and talks that will be themed on animal exploitation, human/animal relationship and (criticism of) veganism.

Speceism is an oppressive mechanism just like racism and sexism. Some activists from the Hambacher Forest would like to underline that our fight against the existing power structures doesn’t limit itself to human beings, but that it also concerns other living beings.
We will soon update you with a more detailed program!

Let us know by email if you want to give a workshop (

A part of the week will revolve around action training. We would like to organise together a day of action, to put our theory into practice. Indeed, our aim is not only to raise awareness about the constructed normality of animal exploitation, but also to play a role in the destruction of this power structure.

We look forward to fruitful discussions 🙂

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Forest Walk 1/14/2018

Llorien also has a tower now

“Hallo to all,

Here comes finally information on next Sunday.

Surely it will be a big walk again. Please put on warm clothes, specially: good shoes. After the many rains, the forest roads are muddy…

Here further information:

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Demolition of the “Immerath Dom”

Live Ticker:

Jan. 9

12:00 Meanwhile, the first tower is destroyed, rubble is cleared away.

Jan. 8
Since early morning, the cathedral was occupied by Greenpeace activists. Banners were unrolled, people locked themselves on in the cathedral. Two Greenpeace activists were bitten by a police dog early in the morning and hospitalized. Hambis were sitting on the roof of a neighboring house. There too, banners were unrolled. On-site observers reported that there probably would not be demolished today.
The demolition is scheduled for 2 weeks. It will begin on the main nave (altar side). Already yesterday, some hundreds of people were there and protested.

4:20 pm All previously arrested persons are free again!
2:20 pm 4 people were arrested. Police states that they have been brought to the Hückelhoven police station for ID treatment.
2:14 pm The demolition started

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5 years ago, the district of Düren decreed the eviction of the meadow. A review

This e-mail was sent to us:

“State of the matter, 5 years after the delivery of the order by the building authority of the district Düren to vacate the meadow, on 12/24/2012:

  1. The excavator to remove the upper layers is still standing about 80 – 100 m away from the former alignment of the A4. Location: Ancient motorway A4 direction Düren, westernmost point!
  2. The former works road is given up and completely free, RWE probably resigned themselves to the loss of this road.
  3. Matthias Hartung, CEO of RWE Power AG, is “going to retire prematurely” this year.
  4. Peter Terium, CEO of the parent company of RWE Power AG and of RWE Innogy AG, is going to leave the RWE Group (became known 5 days ago).
  5. Matthias Hartung and Peter Terium should keep further damage away from the RWE Group. They will not be able to escape their possible responsibilities because of serious environmental crimes against the soil and groundwater, or because of the transfer of insolvency, just like the responsible politicians in North Rhine-Westphalia.

About the “jobs that depend on the Hambach opencast mine”

Not 60,000 jobs are endangered at the end of the open pit Hambach on 03/31/2018, but only less than about 800:

  1. Including the apprentices, only fewer than 800 people (estimated) are employed at the Niederaussem power plant.
  2. The employees of the Hambach open-pit mine (estimated, including the apprentices: approx. 700-900) will continue to be needed for years for the dismantling works of the Hambach mine and to restore the surface of the hole that will be left as required by law (BBergG).

Kerpen-Buir, 12/25/2017

Kurt Claßen“

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