Unrest in the forest

January 3th, 2016 In the forest the presence of RWE security personnel is increasing.

6:40 pm All are outside, but the banner “Coal exit is handmade” has been “borrowed” by Team Green. The glasses of one person have not been given back.
6:06 pm The first arrested person comes out.
5:20 pm Forest scouts report about arrests on the bridge. Details as soon as known. For questions on arrested persons please call directly our Friends and Helpers: 02421 949-0.
4:10 pm There were three arrests. There is a vigil at the police station in Düren (August-Klotz-Straße). Come over!
2:15 pm When the secus wanted to clear a barricade on the highway, they were initially chased away. At the bridge, there are verbal exchanges between secus and forest protectors.
2:40 pm Two police cars reach the bridge. Eight forest protectors are surrounded and not allowed to leave.
2:00 pm Finally eight were spotted at the Pizza platform and the second Secu Bridge. It seems reasonable to suppose that an evacuation of the tree occupations is approaching, as these are increasingly controlled.

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