Sunday, 19.3.2017, 12 o’clock: 36. Waldspaziergang with Michael Zobel
13 March 2017
In general and dates
“Good day everybody,
Early spring in Hambacher Wald. The clearing season 2016/2017 is over, there is peace again. The forest has once again become considerably smaller. Nevertheless, the rest of this former forest of the Rhineland is still worth preserving and many people are working to save the remaining land.
This includes the monthly guided tours I have been offering for three years. Fabulous 7022 small and large people were present, last 1200 (!) Participants in the Red Line in February.
Now the March forest walk is on. Certainly again a bit quieter, certainly more nature guidance than demonstration. RWE is always trying to prevent the tours, but also roadblocks do not stop us from coming back and showing people what environmental destruction is happening in front of our doorstep.
Also next Sunday we will show again pictures, which are not to be seen otherwise, will start conversations, which otherwise do not take place. All are invited to take a pictures, form an opinion, ask questions.
I thank you for the support, sincerely,
Michael Zobel from Aachen